Around the world, researchers are working extremely hard to develop new treatments and interventions for COVID-19 with new clinical trials opening nearly every day. This directory provides you with information, including enrollment detail, about these trials. In some cases, researchers are able to offer expanded access (sometimes called compassionate use) to an investigational drug when a patient cannot participate in a clinical trial.
The information provided here is drawn from If you do not find a satisfactory expanded access program here, please search in our COVID Company Directory. Some companies consider expanded access requests for single patients, even if they do not show an active expanded access listing in this database. Please contact the company directly to explore the possibility of expanded access.
Emergency INDs
To learn how to apply for expanded access, please visit our Guides designed to walk healthcare providers, patients and/or caregivers through the process of applying for expanded access. Please note that given the situation with COVID-19 and the need to move as fast as possible, many physicians are requesting expanded access for emergency use. In these cases, FDA will authorize treatment by telephone and treatment can start immediately. For more details, consult FDA guidance. Emergency IND is the common route that patients are receiving convalescent plasma.
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Displaying 70 of 75BioMérieux
Infection with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus (COVID-19) has recently been identified as apandemic due to the speed and global scale of its transmission. In Auvergne-Rhône-Alpesregion (AURA), the epidemic began in February 2020 and the number of infected people isstill important. Between 15 and 20% of COVID-19 patients develop an acute respiratorydistress syndrome (ARDS) leading to their hospitalization in intensive care. Theirclinical progression can be rapidly harmful with the development of severe ARDSassociated with an increased risk of death.Preliminary data on the immune response of COVID-19 patients describe the induction of amoderate inflammatory response and the occurrence of major progressive lymphopenia overtime associated with potential immunosuppression. Up to 50% of secondary infections arereported in deceased COVID-19 patients. However, no prospective study has exhaustivelydescribed the kinetics of the immune response of COVID-19 patients in intensive care.The precise description of the immune response over time in adult patients with a proveninfection with the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the study of the relation between this responseand the increased risk of organ failure (severe ARDS), death or nosocomial infection willallow us to better understand the pathophysiology of the immune response induced byCOVID-19 in order to (i) identify new therapeutic strategies targeting the host responsein patients in intensive care (ii) to develop biological markers to stratify patients forfuture clinical trials evaluating these immunoadjuvant treatments in COVID-19.
University of Oxford
A phase I/II single-blinded, randomised, multi-centre study to determine efficacy, safetyand immunogenicity of the candidate Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) vaccine ChAdOx1nCoV-19 in UK healthy adult volunteers aged 18-55 years. The vaccine will be administeredintramuscularly (IM) into the deltoid region of the arm
Mayo Clinic
This expanded access program will provide access to investigational convalescent plasmafor patients in acute care facilities infected with SARS-CoV-2 who have severe orlife-threatening COVID-19, or who are judged by a healthcare provider to be at high riskof progression to severe or life-threatening disease.
University Hospital, Toulouse
The spectrum of the COVID-19 disease ranges from benign to asymptomatic to viralpneumopathy that can progress to acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Thehost-pathogen relationships and the physiopathological mechanisms underlying the clinicalaggravation of COVID-19 patients remain misunderstood. The project aim is to create aprospective cohort of biological samples collected from well characterized COVID-19patients. This project aims first to identify based on these samples an early immunesignature predictive of clinical worsening of COVID-19 patients in order to improve theirmanagement, and secondarily to better understand pathophysiological mechanisms underlyingthe different phases of the disease in order to identify innovative therapeutic targetsand vaccine perspectives.
Luxembourg Institute of Health
Predi-COVID is a prospective cohort study composed of people positively tested forCOVID-19 in Luxembourg, followed digitally for monitoring participants' health evolutionand symptoms at home. Participants will be actively followed for 14 days from the time ofconfirmation of diagnosis, whether they are at the hospital or at home in isolation orquarantine. Short evaluations will be also performed at week 3 and week 4 and thenmonthly for a period up to 12 months to assess potential long term consequences ofCOVID-19. A subsample of 200 participants will be contacted to integrate complementaryclinical data and collect samples.The study aims at identifying factors associated with the COVID-19 disease severity.COVID-19 patients with severity criteria will be compared to patients with mild diseasemanaged at home.A deep phenotyping related to the symptoms of the disease as well as biosampling allowingfor laboratory-based and computational analytics will be performed.
University of Oxford
RECOVERY is a randomised trial of treatments to prevent death in patients hospitalisedwith pneumonia.The treatments being investigated are:COVID-19: Lopinavir-Ritonavir, Hydroxychloroquine, Corticosteroids, Azithromycin,Colchicine, IV Immunoglobulin (children only), Convalescent plasma,Casirivimab+Imdevimab, Tocilizumab, Aspirin, Baricitinib, Empagliflozin, Sotrovimab,Molnupiravir, Paxlovid or Anakinra (children only)Influenza: Baloxavir marboxil, Oseltamivir, Low-dose corticosteroids - DexamethasoneCommunity-acquired pneumonia: Low-dose corticosteroids - Dexamethasone
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire, Amiens
The understanding of haemostasis and inflammation cross-talk has gained considerableknowledge during the past decade in the field of arterial and venous thrombosis. Complexand delicately balanced interaction between coagulation and inflammation involve allcellular and humoral components.Elements of the coagulation system such as activated thrombin, fibrinogen or factor Xamay increase inflammation by promoting the production of proinflammatory cytokines,chemokines, growth factors and adhesion molecules that lead to a procoagulant stateamplifying the pathological process. Recent evidence supports inflammation as a commonpathogenic contributor to both arterial and venous thrombosis, giving rise to the conceptof inflammation induced thrombosis.Patients with infection of COVID-19 and severe pneumoniae seem to have higher risk ofthromboembolism. The purpose of this project is to analyze hemostasis and coagulation ofevery hospitalized patient with infection of COVID-19.Blood sample for coagulation and hemostasis analysis will be collected on every patienthospitalized in Amiens hospital for COVID-19 infection. Thrombin time, factors V and II,fibrin/fibrinogen degradation products, antithrombin will be assessed every week.Anticardiolipin, anti-beta2 glycoprotein I and anti-annexin A2 antibodies IgG and IgM atday of admission and at fourth week after admission will be assessed. SARS-CoV2 viralload and serodiagnosis will be performed at the same time. At the same time venousultrasound to diagnose thrombosis will be performed.
West Virginia University
This is a prospective study, involving contacting potential plasma donors and the use oftheir plasma to help fight off infections of those suffering from COVID19 in accordanceto collection guidelines for plasma and FDA IND requirement. This study will include upto 240 participants potentially receiving convalescent plasma and up to 1000 potentialdonors.There are 3 basic arms to the study: mild, moderate and severe/critical severity. All 3severity groups are eligible for enrollment, but mild severity will not be given plasmaunless there is progression. Moderate severity will given up to 1 unit of plasma andsevere/critical severity up to 2 units. There is no placebo group, however given theexcepted issues of shortages of plasma, intention to treat will be used for analysis.
University Hospital Tuebingen
To evaluate the safety, toxicity and immunological effects of infusion of allogeneic bonemarrow-derived human mesenchymal stem (stromal) cells (MSCs) and whether this therapy hasan influence on the resolution processes in ARDS patients infected with Severe acuterespiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2).
Celularity Incorporated
This study is a Phase 1 / 2 trial to determine the safety and efficacy of CYNK-001, animmunotherapy containing Natural Killer (NK) cells derived from human placental CD34+cells and culture-expanded, in patients with moderate COVID-19 disease.