The understanding of haemostasis and inflammation cross-talk has gained considerableknowledge during the past decade in the field of arterial and venous thrombosis. Complexand delicately balanced interaction between coagulation and inflammation involve allcellular and humoral components.Elements of the coagulation system such as activated thrombin, fibrinogen or factor Xamay increase inflammation by promoting the production of proinflammatory cytokines,chemokines, growth factors and adhesion molecules that lead to a procoagulant stateamplifying the pathological process. Recent evidence supports inflammation as a commonpathogenic contributor to both arterial and venous thrombosis, giving rise to the conceptof inflammation induced thrombosis.Patients with infection of COVID-19 and severe pneumoniae seem to have higher risk ofthromboembolism. The purpose of this project is to analyze hemostasis and coagulation ofevery hospitalized patient with infection of COVID-19.Blood sample for coagulation and hemostasis analysis will be collected on every patienthospitalized in Amiens hospital for COVID-19 infection. Thrombin time, factors V and II,fibrin/fibrinogen degradation products, antithrombin will be assessed every week.Anticardiolipin, anti-beta2 glycoprotein I and anti-annexin A2 antibodies IgG and IgM atday of admission and at fourth week after admission will be assessed. SARS-CoV2 viralload and serodiagnosis will be performed at the same time. At the same time venousultrasound to diagnose thrombosis will be performed.
Other: venous ultrasound
Venous ultrasound will be performed on patients once a week, every week from the day of
admission in Amiens Hospital until the day of patient discharge
Biological: blood sample
blood sample for coagulation and hemostasis analysis will be withdrawn from artery
catheter from the day of admission in Amiens Hospital until the day of patient discharge
Inclusion Criteria:
- all patients hospitalized in Amiens Hospital with COVID-19 infection
Exclusion Criteria:
- patients< 18 years
CHU Amiens
Amiens, France
Investigator: Michel Slama, Pr
Contact: (33)3 22 08 78 41
Michel Slama, Pr
(33)3 22 08 78 41
Michel Slama, Pr, Principal Investigator
CHU Amiens