Around the world, researchers are working extremely hard to develop new treatments and interventions for COVID-19 with new clinical trials opening nearly every day. This directory provides you with information, including enrollment detail, about these trials. In some cases, researchers are able to offer expanded access (sometimes called compassionate use) to an investigational drug when a patient cannot participate in a clinical trial.
The information provided here is drawn from If you do not find a satisfactory expanded access program here, please search in our COVID Company Directory. Some companies consider expanded access requests for single patients, even if they do not show an active expanded access listing in this database. Please contact the company directly to explore the possibility of expanded access.
Emergency INDs
To learn how to apply for expanded access, please visit our Guides designed to walk healthcare providers, patients and/or caregivers through the process of applying for expanded access. Please note that given the situation with COVID-19 and the need to move as fast as possible, many physicians are requesting expanded access for emergency use. In these cases, FDA will authorize treatment by telephone and treatment can start immediately. For more details, consult FDA guidance. Emergency IND is the common route that patients are receiving convalescent plasma.
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Displaying 20 of 383Afyonkarahisar Health Sciences University
The aim in this study is to evaluate pain, fatigue and quality of life in patients withCovid-19 pneumonia in long-term follow-up and to investigate their relationship withpneumonia severity, age, presence of comorbidity and depression level.
University Hospital Dubrava
The patients who had COVID-19 infection, and after that reported for one of the signs ofgastrointestinal disorder (esophageal and anorectal) will be underwent to esophageal andanorectal motor monitoring investigation (HRM manometry) on standard protocol.
Abant Izzet Baysal University
This study, which has a randomized controlled experimental design, was planned todetermine the effect of music therapy on the anxiety level of family health personnelworking in primary health care centers during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study will becarried out between 4 August and 31 December with nurses, midwives and other familyhealth personnel working in family health centers. Participants will be randomized intotwo groups, a control and an intervention group. Individuals in the intervention groupwill receive 15 minutes of music therapy once a day for 5 days. No intervention will bemade in the control group. Data Descriptive Question and State-Trait Anxiety Inventoryonline design; It will be collected on the Google Forms platform.. Data analysis will bedone using SPSS 20 program.
Cumhuriyet University
The aim of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of virtual reality exercises onpain, cardiopulmonary capacity, mood and quality of life in patients with post-COVIDsyndrome.
Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute
This is a prospective study in which a process of identifying and improving a reductionof functional capacity in COVID-19 survivors >50 years old.The overall goal of this study to identify the feasibility and value of risk-guidedmedical therapy and exercise intervention in COVID-19 survivors.
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS)
Background:Inequalities in COVID-19 infection, hospitalization, and death in under-studied,under-represented, and under-reported groups of people are severe. A growing number ofstudies have assessed the impact of individual risk factors. But few studies haveassessed which factors are the greatest drivers of COVID-19 disparities from a widerperspective.Objective:To understand the long-term impacts of COVID-19 on minority women and their families toassist in developing community-based programs to help in recovery.Eligibility:Healthy people aged 18 and older who reside in North Carolina.Design:Participants will take a 45-minute online survey. The survey will cover theirdemographics, community, health, lifestyle, household, and environment.Participants may choose to have tests. They may visit the Clinical Research Unit. Theymay also have a home visit for these tests. In some cases, they may mail samples to thestudy team in prepaid envelopes.Participants may take an optional 15 minute survey about their reproductive history.Participants may give a blood sample.Participants may give a urine sample. They will fill out a log and return with theirsample.Participants may give saliva samples.Participants may give toenail samples from each toe.Participants may give dust samples. They will be given 8 alcohol swabs. Two will be fortesting. They will be asked to swipe a total of 3 door frames. Each door frame should bein a different room of the house.Participants may be given silicone wristbands to wear for 1 week. This is to measuretheir exposure to air pollutants.Participants may be contacted in the future for follow-up. They may be contacted byphone, email, or letter.
Jesús R. Requena
The main objectives of ECCO-2 are: 1) Efficacy: to study whether EQUINACEA ARKOPHARMA,hard caplets containing cryogenized root of the plant Echinacea purpurea, show animprovement of the clinical manifestations and disease course in ambulatory patients withcovid-19 with a respiratory presentation and not requiring hospitalization (i.e., mildcovid-19). The drug being evaluated will be added as a supplement of the standardtreatment, with its current recommended dose for treatment of the common cold. 2) Safety:to determine that the incidence of adverse events is not higher than that seen with thestandard treatment applied in each case.
University of Geneva, Switzerland
The XPHI-COVID-2 randomized study aims to investigate the moral choices in a context ofscarce resources.The participants are asked to complete the questionnaire of the Oxford UtilitarianismScale and are exposed to medical triage dilemmas.Participants are randomized between a group with reading of ethical guidelines and agroup without reading of ethical guidelines, before they are asked to complete thequestionnaire and being exposed to triage dilemmas.
Weill Medical College of Cornell University
Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) is a FDA-approved treatment fordepression and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). The goal of the study is to learn howto optimize the treatment to improve symptoms of depression and OCD. This researchproject will test a new accelerated 5-day accelerated rTMS protocol for treating symptomsof depression and OCD.A second goal of this study is to identify biomarkers of depression and OCD in the brainusing functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). This approach will predict who willbenefit from TMS, determine the optimal treatment target, and improve treatment outcomes.Subjects will receive a clinical assessment of symptoms and an fMRI brain scan before andafter each treatment course to measure the effect of treatment on symptom severity and onfMRI measures of functional connectivity.Participants will be randomized to receive rTMS targeting either the lateral prefrontalcortex (LPFC) or the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex (DMPFC). Participants will complete a5-day course of rTMS delivered hourly for 10 hours per day. Participants who show apartial response to treatment but not a full response will then receive a second 5-daycourse. Treatment non-responders will be crossed over to receive rTMS targeting theopposite brain area.The primary hypothesis is that accelerated rTMS treatment will yield rapid improvement insymptoms for patients with depression and OCD in just 5 days, and that response rates canbe further improved by adding a second 5-day treatment course.
Mark Loeb
This study is a multi-centre, blinded, randomized controlled trial. LTCF residents ≥ 65years who have received three doses of mRNA vaccine will be randomized to vaccinationwith a fourth dose of Pfizer-BioNtech mRNA- COVID-19 vaccine or to vaccination with acontrol (Prevnar-13 vaccine).