To respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, investigators will be deploying community healthworkers, equipped with mobile technology, and accompanied by youth to visit householdsdoor to door to screen for symptoms of COVID-19, isolate, test, and manage suspectedcases of COVID-19. The community health workers and youth will educate households aboutpreventive measures including frequent handwashing and home management of mild cases.Simultaneously, investigators will work with nurses, doctors, and clinical officers, totest and treat more severe cases of COVID-19 in health facilities. Our goals are: tovisit every household in Siaya county covering a population of close to 1 million, and totrain and support health workers working in 32 health facilities with oxygen capacity inSiaya to reduce the morbidity and mortality related to COVID19 and other conditions.
Other: Training of youth, community health assistants and community health workers.
Training of youth, community health assistants, and community health workers in the
screening, detection, contact tracing, prevention, and management of COVID-19 with
concurrent maintenance of essential health services.
Other: Training clinicians in basic critical care and the management of severe COVID-19 cases
Training clinicians in basic critical care and the management of severe COVID-19 cases
with concurrent maintenance of essential health services.
Inclusion Criteria:
- Youth aged 18 to 30 years old.
- Active community health workers.
- Facilities with oxygen capacity.
Exclusion Criteria:
- Individuals younger than 18 or older than 30 years old.
- Inactive community health workers.
- Facilities without oxygen capacity.
Surgical Systems Research Group/Tropical Institute of Community Health
Kisumu, Kenya
Neema Kaseje, MD, Principal Investigator
Surgical Systems Research Group