The primary purpose of this study is to gain an understanding of how experiences duringthe COVID-19 pandemic, regardless of COVID-19 status, may have impacted multiple domainsof health-related quality of life and other areas such as COVID-19 specific psychologicaldistress, and disruptions to health care, finances and social interactions. We will alsoevaluate the extent to which resiliency factors such as social support, perceivedbenefits under times of stress, and ability to manage stress may buffer associationsbetween COVID-19 experiences and HRQoL. To meet these objectives, we have developed a10-minute questionnaire that taps into these areas and is based on prior work addressingconcerns of other pandemics or national crises. Participants will have previouslyconsented to protocol PA15-0336 and have provided prior lifestyle data. This will allowus to connect the COVID-19 survey data with prior existing data.
I. Assess experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic (e.g., exposure, risk factors,
testing, isolation, seropositivity, hospitalization, loss of family or friends);
COVID-19-specific psychological distress (e.g., fear, anxiety and depressive symptoms);
health, financial and social disruptions; perceived benefits and social support; and
health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in melanoma patients who participated in protocol
II. Evaluate the extent to which COVID-19 experiences are associated with
COVID-19-specific psychological distress, health, financial and social disruptions,
perceived benefits and social support, and HRQoL.
III. Evaluate the extent to which resiliency factors such as social support and perceived
benefits moderate the effects of COVID-19 experiences on COVID-19-specific psychological
distress and HRQoL.
IV. Explore the association between prior lifestyle data collected as part of PA15-0336
and COVID-19-specific psychological distress and HRQoL.
Patients complete a survey over 10 minutes.
Other: Survey Administration
Complete survey
Inclusion Criteria:
- Patients who have signed consent for PA15-0336
- Has an active email address and can be contacted via MyChart
- Documentation of being alive per the cancer registry
M D Anderson Cancer Center
Houston, Texas, United States
Investigator: Lorenzo Cohen
Lorenzo Cohen
(713) 745-4260
Lorenzo Cohen, Principal Investigator
M.D. Anderson Cancer Center