Title: The use of Tocilizumab in the management of patients who have severe COVID-19 with suspected pulmonary hyperinflammation. This is a study designed to assess the therapeutic value of intravenous tocilizumab administered as single 8mg/Kg dose in patients affected by SARS-CoV2 infection with a pulmonary manifestation causing hypoxia. Aim of the study is to test the hypothesis that anti-IL6 treatment can be effective in reducing the virus-induced cytokine storm, blocking deterioration of lung function or even promoting a rapid improvement of clinical conditions, preventing tracheal intubation and/or death. This drug will be administered to those patients entering the ICU with severe acute respiratory failure COVID-19 disease. The endpoints are death and duration of hospitalization. The patients will be assessed with surrogate markers determining the level of the cytokine storm.
Study design This is a multicenter, two arms, 2:1 (treatment: control) open-label randomized
control study with a drug approved for another indication in Israel. All the patients
enrolled will be treated with tocilizumab or not. One-month mortality rate is the primary
endpoint. One arm will be the study drug anti-IL6R (Tocilizumab (Actmera)) 8 mg/kg given IV
during one hour once. The placebo will be a 100 ml saline IV infusion administered along one
Drug: Tocilizumab
The placebo treatment arm will include 100 ml of normal saline administered along 60 min
Other Name: Placebo
Inclusion Criteria:
1. Any gender
2. Age 18 and older
3. Informed consent for participation in the study
4. Virological diagnosis of Sars-CoV2 infection (PCR)
5. Acute respiratory failure
6. Radiographic pneumonia, defined as any/ changing new lung infiltrate
7. Patient breathing spontaneously, required more than 50% oxygen and MEWS score > 7.
8. If intubated, intubated less than 24 hours with PaO2/Fio2 ratio ≤ 200 and PEEP ≥ 5 cm
Exclusion Criteria:
1. Known hypersensitivity to tocilizumab or its excipients
2. Patient with a life expectancy of less than 6 months.
3. Known active infections or other clinical condition that contra-indicate tocilizumab
and cannot be treated or solved according to the judgement of the clinician.
4. Neutrophils <500 / mmc
5. Platelets <40.000 / mmc
Hadassah Medical Orginisation
Jerusalem, Please Select:, Israel
Barzilai Medical Center
Ashkelon, Israel
Wolfson Medical Center
H̱olon, Israel
Sheba Medical Center
Ramat Gan, Israel
Reuven Pizov, Prof.
Eithan Galun, Prof.
Juli Benbenisty, MPH, Study Chair
Hadassah Medical Organization