In light of the ongoing COVID-19 epidemic in Norway, it is paramount to develop and utilize clinical tools for assessing and risk stratifying patients with suspected coronary infection in the emergency departments. Diagnostic use of ultrasound in viral pneumonias, including COVID-19 has proved to be very useful. The use of ultrasound will assist in quick detection of lung pathology compatible with increasing severity of the COVID-19 disease. At the same time, the use of ultrasound diagnostics in the emergency department could improve logistics and reduce potential exposure of the corona virus to other health personnel. The purpose of the study is to assess whether ultrasound findings correlates with physical examination, labs, and other imaging diagnostics in patients with suspected or diagnosed COVID-19 disease, as well as assessing whether ultrasound diagnostics can assist in risk stratification. The project is conducted as a prospective multicenter study where ultrasound diagnostics will be performed on patients with suspected coronary infection in the emergency departments. Data collection takes place as part of the daily clinical evaluation of acute patients in the emergency departments. The project is planned to be completed towards the end of 2025.
Diagnostic Test: Lung ultrasound
After verbal consent the enrolled patients' lungs are evaluated with ultrasound while in isolation. The lungs are divided into 3 fields and findings are categorized according to Soldati et al., 2020.
Other Name: Ultrasonography of the lungs
Inclusion Criteria:
- All emergency department patients with suspected or diagnosed COVID-19.
Exclusion Criteria:
- Negative screening for COVID-19
- recent negative COVID-19 test
- no indication for isolation in the Emergency Department
Haukeland universitetssykehus
Bergen, Norway
Nordland Hospital
Bodø, Norway
Drammen sykehus
Drammen, Norway
Sørlandet sykehus, Kristiansand
Kristiansand, Norway
Akershus University Hospital
Oslo, Norway
Ullevål University Hospital
Oslo, Norway
Sykehuset Telemark HF
Skien, Norway
Stavanger Universitetssjukehus
Stavanger, Norway
St Olavs Hospital
Trondheim, Norway
Lars Petter Bjørnsen, MD, PhD, Principal Investigator
NTNU/St. Olav's Hospital