Official Title
Turkish Validity And Reliability of the SARS-CoV-2 Anxiety Scale
Brief Summary

The coronavirus outbreak has adversely affected individuals in the community, as in the rest of the world. However, in order to carry out this epidemic period in a healthy and conscious manner, determining the anxiety levels of individuals in the society and supporting them psychologically is of great importance. In order to achieve this, healthcare professionals working clinically or academically have important duties. This study was planned to test its validity and reliability in order to adapt the Coronavirus Anxiety Scale to Turkish.

Detailed Description

Coronaviruses can be seen in animals and humans as infections that can be mild and severe in
society. The SARS-CoV-2 virus, a type of coronavirus, started in China in December 2019 and
has spread worldwide as of January 2020. The absence of vaccine and treatment for SARS-CoV-2
disease threatens health worldwide and significantly affects people's daily routine. In
China, where the pandemic started, shopping malls and schools were closed for a while, and
city entrances and exits were stopped for a while. Although there are similar practices in
excellence, as in many countries, measures such as curfew, nursery and school closure
continue to be taken for under-20s and over-65s. . The coronavirus epidemic that affects our
entire life is not fully known about the disease process, WHO is defined as the pandemic of
the epidemic, the nearest contact is the greatest risk of transmission, and the loss of many
lives during this process affects all individuals in the society negatively and increases the
level of anxiety .

It is a psychological reaction involving many emotions such as anxiety, stress, or anxiety,
fear and distress that arise in a situation that threatens the safety of the individual.
Conditions such as uncertainty, various diseases (cancer, epidemic, etc.) and losing a
relative can cause anxiety. Outbreaks that occur suddenly and are at risk of death are among
these reasons.

Unknown status
SARS-CoV Infection

Other: survey work

Survey forms will be sent to individuals online. Information about the study will be given to individuals with the informative text at the beginning of the questionnaire form. Individuals who agree to participate in the study will fill in the questionnaire and send it back online.

Eligibility Criteria

inclusion criteria;

- individuals agree to participate in the study

- 18 years old,

- Lack of visual obstacle,

- Knowing how to speak, read and write in Turkish.

Exclusion criteria;

- individuals refuse to participate in the study

- 18 years old,

- Visually impaired,

- Does not know how to speak, read and write in Turkish

Eligibility Gender
Eligibility Age
Minimum: 18 Years ~ Maximum: 60 Years

Eskisehir Osmangazi University
Eskisehir, Turkey

Investigator: AYFER AÇIKGÖZ
Contact: 05352919374




DILEK SAYIK, Principal Investigator

NCT Number
Coronavirus Anxiety Scale
MeSH Terms
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
Anxiety Disorders