To explore the feasibility of combined topical corticosteroid and topical cyclosporine-A in COVID-19 patients with acute keratoconjunctivitis.
COVID-19 patients presenting with acute keratoconjunctivitis will be treated with Topical 1%
prednisolone acetate fourTimes daily for 7 days as initial treatment, non-preserved
artificial tears four times daily and cyclosporin A 0.5% four times daily .
Twelve patients with COVID-19 Keratoconjunctivitis will be enrolled in this open-label study.
Symptoms and findings of the patients before and after treatment were recorded.
Drug: topical steroids and cyclosporin-A
All patient will be treated with Topical 1% prednisolone acetate for 7 days as initial treatment +non-preserved artificial tears and cyclosporin A 0.5% four times daily .
Inclusion Criteria:
- COVID-19 Patients with keratoconjunctivitis
Exclusion Criteria:
- associated ocular pathology or disease
- other causes of keratoconjunctivitis for example allergic or herpetic
Farawanyia hospital
Kuwait, Farawanyia, Kuwait
Investigator: Mona Nasseif, MD
Contact: 96566578919
Ameera Abdelhameed, MD
Mona Nasseif, MD, Principal Investigator
Tanta University