Thymalfasin (thymosin alpha 1 or Ta1), the active pharmaceutical ingredient in ZADAXIN®injection, is a 28-amino acid synthetic peptide, identical to natural Ta1 produced by thethymus gland. Ta1 is a biological response modifier which activates various cells of theimmune system, and is therefore expected to have clinical benefits in disorders whereimmune responses are impaired or ineffective, including acute and chronic viral andbacterial infections, cancers, and vaccine non-responsiveness. Patients with end-stagerenal disease (ESRD) on hemodialysis, in addition to their intrinsic kidney disease andfrequent burden of comorbidities, also have increased risk of exposure to communicablediseases as they are treated several times each week at hemodialysis centers with severalother patients and clinic staff in attendance. The majority of patients are over 60 yearsof age and many are receiving immunosuppressive medications. Accordingly, ESRD patientsare particularly susceptible to COVID-19 infection. Ta1 has been shown to be safelyadministered to hemodialysis patients. It is our hypothesis that a course of Ta1administered to individuals with ESRD will reduce the rate and severity of infection withCOVID-19.
Patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) on hemodialysis, in addition to their
intrinsic kidney disease and frequent burden of comorbidities, also have increased risk
of exposure to communicable diseases as they are treated several times each week at
hemodialysis centers with several other patients and clinic staff in attendance. The
majority of patients are over 60 years of age and many are receiving immunosuppressive
medications. Accordingly, ESRD patients are particularly susceptible to COVID-19
Thymalfasin (thymosin alpha 1, Ta1) is a naturally occurring peptide that has been
evaluated for its immunomodulatory activities and related therapeutic potential in
several conditions and diseases, including infectious disease and cancer. ZADAXIN, a
synthetic form of Ta1, been has been used clinically in pilot studies for treatment of
severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and other lung infections including acute
respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (COPD),
as well as infections after bone marrow transplant]. Larger clinical trials have shown
significant efficacy for treatment of severe sepsis and hepatitis B, along with certain
cancers such as melanoma, hepatocellular, and lung cancer. Ta1 has also demonstrated
improvement in response to vaccines in the elderly and in patients immunocompromised by
renal disease. The beneficial clinical effects of Ta1 result from activation of toll-like
receptor (TLR) 9 in dendritic and other immune system cells, resulting in augmentation of
T helper (Th1) function, natural killer (NK) cell activity, and increased antibody
responses to T-cell dependent antigens. Importantly, Ta1 also leads to an increase in
IL-10 producing regulatory T cells, which create feedback inhibition of cytokine
production, hence dampening immune response and preventing a pro-inflammatory cytokine
It is our hypothesis that a course of Ta1 administered to individuals at high risk for
COVID-19 infection (hemodialysis patients) will reduce the rate of COVID-19 infection and
severity of infection with COVID-19, compared to untreated individuals in the same
hemodialysis units with comparable risk. The study will also evaluate the need for
hospitalization in those patients who do not become infected with COVID-19.
Drug: Thymalfasin
Synthetic 28 amino acid peptide
Other Name: Thymosin alpha 1,Ta1,ZADAXIN
Inclusion Criteria:
- Age 18 or greater
- Signed informed consent
- End-stage renal disease (ESRD) who receive hemodialysis 2 or more times each week
and are expected to continue on dialysis indefinitely.
Exclusion Criteria:
- Patients on short-term hemodialysis, such as those with transient renal dysfunction
associated with acute illness who are projected to have return in renal function
- Patients for whom renal transplantation is anticipated within the next six months
- Patients with an anticipated survival of less than 3 months
- Patients with symptoms that might be attributable to COVID-19 infection
- Patients who test positive for SARS-CoV2
- Patients with active infectious disease requiring antibiotics
- Patients with hospitalization within the previous 3 months for acute myocardial
infarction or congestive heart failure
- Patients with advanced malignancy receiving cytotoxic chemotherapy
- Patients with a Karnofsky Performance Scale score of less than 60
- Patients with prior history of solid organ (kidney, liver, heart, lung, pancreas) or
bone marrow transplant
- Patients with active autoimmune disease on immunosuppressive medication
- Patients receiving Plaquenil
- Participation in an investigational drug or device trial in previous 30 days
- History of allergy or intolerance to Ta1
- Any other medical or psychiatric condition that, in the opinion of the Investigator,
would compromise patient safety or interfere with the objectives of the protocol or
completion of the protocol treatment
Clinical Research Consultants
Kansas City, Kansas, United States