This is a prospective observational cohort study that will define the prevalence andincidence of CA-SARS-Cov2 infection using serological and PCR tests in a group ofsubjects during deconfinement. The team wishes to include approximately 1000 subjects inthis study.The health crisis through containment has also created unprecedented environmentalconditions with the very clear decrease in economic activities and a consequent decreasein exposure to the main air pollutants. The aim is therefore to carry out a case-controlstudy in which each subject will be his or her own control in unexposed condition (toPM2.5, PM10, NO...) then exposed (after the recovery of economic activity and the usuallevels of air pollutants) and to measure the impact of these pollutants on the immunesystem and epigenetic markers taking into account seasonality.The occurrence of infectious, cardiovascular, allergic and autoimmune events will then bemeasured according to the immunological profiles measured at inclusion.
Other: blood sampling
blood sampling at J0, M6, M12, M24, M36, M48, M60
Inclusion Criteria:
- Any major subject, voluntary, exposed to the public from 11 May 2020 informed of the
study by partner institutions (Departmental Council 06), affiliated to a social
security scheme,
Exclusion Criteria:
- Subject protected by law under tutorship or guardianship, or who cannot participate
in a clinical study under the terms of Article L. 1121-16 of the French Public
Health Code
University Nice Hospital
Nice, France
Investigator: Barbara SEITZ- POLSKI
Contact: 334.
334 92 03 55 02