This is a phase I trial followed by a phase II randomized trial. The purpose of phase Istudy is the feasibility of treating patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome(ARDS) related to COVID-19 infection (COVID-19) with cord blood-derived mesenchymal stemcells (MSC). The purpose of the phase II trial is to compare the effect of MSC withstandard of care in these patients. MSCs are a type of stem cells that can be taken fromumbilical cord blood and grown into many different cell types that can be used to treatcancer and other diseases. The MSCs being used for infusion in this trial are collectedfrom healthy, unrelated donors and are stored and grown in a laboratory. Giving MSCinfusions may help control the symptoms of COVID-19 related ARDS.
1. To assess the safety of administering cord blood derived mesenchymal stem cell
(CB-MSC) infusions for treatment of moderate, severe or critical pneumonia.
1. In the group of participants who present intubated on ventilator support, assess the
proportion that are able to be successfully extubated.
2. In the group of participants who present requiring supplemental oxygen but otherwise
breathing without assistance, assess the rate of progression to intubation.
3. Estimate the survival rate at day 30 post treatment separately by group.
4. Determine the treatment effect on clinical parameters, oxygenation and respiratory
- Resolution of fever
- Changes in oxygen demand (increased oxygen saturation at similar FiO2 or
decreased FiO2 requirement)
- Progression to mechanical ventilation
- Length of Mechanical ventilation
- Decrease in PEEP in intubated participants
- Decrease in FiO2 in intubated participants
5. Determine the treatment effect on laboratory markers:
- Complete blood count
- Ferritin
- D Dimer
- Procalcitonin
- Cytokine levels
6. Estimate hospitalization and ICU stay.
7. Report on study related adverse events.
Currently not shipping cells outside of MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston.
PILOT STUDY: Patients receive MSCs intravenously (IV) over 1-2 hours on day 1.
participants may receive a second infusion of MSCs within 7 days after the first infusion
per physician discretion.
PHASE II STUDY: Patients are randomized to 1 of 2 arms.
ARM I: Patients receive MSCs IV over 1-2 hours on day 1. Patients may receive a second
infusion of MSCs within 7 days after the first infusion per physician discretion.
ARM II: Patients receive standard of care.
After completion of study treatment, patients are followed up at days 7, 14, 30, 60, and
months 6 and 12.
Other: Best Practice
Receive standard of care
Other Name: standard of care,standard therapy
Biological: Mesenchymal Stem Cell
Given IV
Other Name: Mesenchymal Progenitor Cell,MPC
Inclusion Criteria:
1. Age greater than or equal 18 years.
2. Participants with chest x-ray findings concerning for pneumonia from any cause, with
clinical signs suggestive of at least moderate illness such as respiratory rate >20
breaths per minute or with oxygen saturation less than 93% on room air**
3. Participants with COVID-19 associated pneumonia must meet baseline categorization of
Moderate, Severe or Critical COVID-19 per FDA Guidance for Industry COVID-19:
Developing Drugs and Biologics Products for Treatment or Prevention, February 2021.
4. Negative pregnancy test in a woman with childbearing potential defined as not
post-menopausal for 12 months or no previous surgical sterilization.
5. Participant or legally authorized representative consent. Participants with
diminished mental capacity may be allowed on to enroll on the study.
6. Because of the nature of COVID-19, participants enrolled on this study with COVID-19
associated pneumonia may have been previously enrolled in other IND trials for their
cancer diagnosis or for COVID-19. These enrollments will not exclude them from
enrollment to this study.
Exclusion Criteria:
- Moribund participants not expected to survive up to 48 hours
- Participants with severe chronic liver disease (Childs-Pugh score > 10)
- Pregnant and/or lactating women
- Participants on extracorporeal membrane oxygenation
M D Anderson Cancer Center
Houston, Texas, United States
Investigator: Bethany J. Overman
Contact: 713-745-4567
Investigator: Amanda Olson
Bethany Overman
Amanda Olson, Principal Investigator
M.D. Anderson Cancer Center