The purpose of this study is to assess the safety and tolerability of the investigationalproduct, SBI-101, in subjects with an infectious etiology of Acute Kidney Injury (AKI).SBI-101 is a biologic/device combination product designed to regulate inflammation andpromote repair of injured tissue using allogeneic human mesenchymal stromal cells.SBI-101 will be integrated into the renal replacement circuit and patients will betreated for up to 24 hours.
Biological: SBI-101
SBI-101 is a biologic/device combination product that combines two components: allogeneic
human mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) and an FDA-approved plasmapheresis device. SBI-101
is administered via integration into a Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy circuit and
is designed to regulate inflammation and promote repair of injured tissue.
Inclusion Criteria:
- Documented evidence of infection, e.g., positive PCR for COVID-19, positive blood
cultures for systemic infection, active urinary sediment to suggest UTI, or any
imaging supportive of a clinical diagnosis of infection, for example, pulmonary
infiltrate on chest x-ray to suggest pneumonia, pancreatitis on CT imaging,
abdominal collection, etc.
- AKI as determined by the Investigator based on his/her clinical judgment
- Receiving or planned to receive RRT in < 24 hours
- Able to tolerate indwelling intravascular access
- Has tolerated CRRT for at least 6 hours prior to IP treatment
- Have maintained hemodynamic stability for at least 6 hours prior to IP treatment
with only minor changes in pressure support medication required (if used)
- Vascular access (catheter placement) is patent and capable of supporting CRRT for
the duration of IP treatment
- Likely to require RRT for at least an additional 48 hours
- Potassium level >3.6 and <5.5 mEq/L or >3.6 and < 5.5 mmol/L prior to IP treatment
- SaO2 > 92% prior to IP initiation
- Blood pH > 7.2 prior to IP initiation
- Medically cleared to receive anticoagulation per institutional standard of care / PI
prescribed protocol and meeting protocol defined anticoagulation targets prior to
receipt of IP
- Ability to give informed consent or have a legally authorized representative do so
Exclusion Criteria:
- Female subjects who are pregnant, planning to become pregnant, or lactating
- MAP <70 mmHg immediately prior to IP initiation
- Systolic blood pressure < 90 mmHg immediately prior to IP initiation
- Mechanical ventilator support requiring FiO2 > 80% prior to IP initiation
- Receiving extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO)
- Liver disease with Child Pugh score of > 7 prior to IP initiation
- High sensitivity cardiac Troponin level (hs-cTn) > 100.0 ng/L prior to IP initiation
or other equivalent Troponin test result prior to IP initiation
- Hepatorenal syndrome
- AKI due to post-renal outflow obstruction
- Acute or chronic vasculitis of any etiology
- Chronic systemic infection
- Subjects with a past medical history of an inherited or acquired hypercoagulable
condition independent of COVID-19
- Patients with a past medical history of an allergic response to MSC therapy
- Participation in another interventional trial with the exception of studies of
antivirals, corticosteroids, hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin, or angiotensin
converting enzyme inhibitors/angiotensin receptor blockers (or related compounds)
- Active malignancy(-ies) and/or receiving active treatment for a malignancy(-ies),
with the exception of non-melanoma skin cancer
- Subjects, who in the opinion of the Investigator, are likely to require escalating
doses of vasopressors to attain and/or maintain hemodynamic stability, or subjects
who have reached the institutionally defined maximum level of vasopressor support
within 12 hours of intended IP integration
- Imminent death in <24 hours
- Organ failure affecting more than 2 non-renal organs
- Platelet count <50,000/μL or other serious hematological abnormalities that would
place subject in imminent danger of death
- Lactate levels >8 mmol/L suggestive of severe end-organ hypoperfusion prior to the
time of IP integration
- Any prior medical condition or recent surgical procedure, planned significant
medical interventions or procedures that, in the judgment of the Investigator, would
prevent the subject from safely participating in and/or completing all study
University of New Mexico School of Medicine
Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States
Medical University of South Carolina
Charleston, South Carolina, United States