Official Title
Clinical Utility of Strados System in Periodically Recording Auscultation to Provide Replay Capability and Telemedicine Monitoring of Inpatients After Initial Clinical Assessment.
Brief Summary

Listening to breath sounds with the stethoscope/auscultation is used by pulmonary physicians in conjunction with pulmonary function, signs and symptoms, oxygen saturation and diagnostic testing to admit, follow and discharge patients from hospital. Of these, only auscultation routinely ceases upon discharge from Hospital. Healthcare utilization statistics have shown that for more than a decade, readmission after discharge for an exacerbation of COPD or severe asthma (or chronic heart failure) remains a major problem. The Strados System has been designed to extend the range of lung sound recording both geographically and temporally to improve the standard of care when access to continuous monitoring has been replaced by periodic or no monitoring. The primary purpose of this study is to assess the clinical utility of the Strados System in enabling periodic recording and reviewing of breath sounds in patients with chronic respiratory diseases, either in the ICU, or in less continuously monitored settings, including after inpatient discharge.


Device: RESP

The RESP device will be placed on the patient for periodic recording of auscultory sound.
Other Name: Strados System

Eligibility Criteria

Inclusion Criteria:

Potential study participants will be recruited from within the Einstein Center of
Excellence. Individuals who meet all of the following criteria are eligible for enrollment
as study participants:

1. Males and females between the ages of 18-80:

With documented physician-diagnosed COPD (chronic bronchitis dominant) or severe
asthma, as defined either by the American Thoracic Society or the World Health
Organization who are admitted for exacerbation, including those with active or
suspected SARS-COV-2 infection


Who are admitted with respiratory distress symptoms associated with SARS-COV-2

2. Able to provide informed consent

3. Able to follow study procedures

4. Clinician assessment of the patient's current SARS-COV-2 status: negative or unlikely
to be infected, RTPCR positive, or untested by clinically suspected

5. Accessible by telephone upon discharge

Exclusion Criteria:

Subjects who meet ANY of the following criteria are not eligible for enrollment:

1. Inability or unwillingness of the participant to give written informed consent

2. History of adverse reaction or allergy to Tegaderm

3. Unwillingness or inability to comply with study procedures

4. Scheduled for thoracic procedure

5. Inaccessible by telephone post-discharge

Eligibility Gender
Eligibility Age
Minimum: 18 Years ~ Maximum: 80 Years
United States

Albert Einstein Medical Center
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States

Strados Labs, Inc.
NCT Number