In this protocol, we seek to examine the role of popular messaging platform WhatsApp in information spread during a crisis. As there have been few global crises in the last decade (coinciding with the rise of social media), the role of private messaging platforms such as WhatsApp during crisis contexts remains understudied. During the current COVID-19 global health crisis, we undertook this study to: (1) characterize the nature of WhatsApp use during crises, (2) characterize the profiles of WhatsApp users (3) understand how WhatsApp usage links to well-being (fear and thoughts about COVID-19).
Behavioral: Social media & news consumption
Daily reports of social media use and consumption, including reports on receiving and disseminating news articles related to the COVID-19 situation (e.g., how many messaging groups shared news on the outbreak, how many items related to the outbreak they forwarded to others, etc).
Inclusion Criteria:
- At least 21 years
- Has stayed in Singapore for at least 2 years
- Has a WhatsApp account that can be used for the research study
Exclusion Criteria:
- Below 21 years
- Has stayed in Singapore for less than 2 years
- Does not have a WhatsApp account that can be used for the research study
Yale-NUS College
Singapore, Singapore
Jean Liu, PhD, Principal Investigator
Yale-NUS College