Official Title
Silent Hypoxia and Awake Proning in COVID-19 Patients: Home Monitoring and Self-Reporting
Brief Summary

The Investigators want to examine patients infected with SARS-CoV-2 for the phenomenon "Silent Hypoxia", which is clinically significant hypoxia without corresponding degree of dyspnea. The patient population is infected individuals without any serious symptoms and is at home. The participants will be equipped with a pulse oximeter and a PEF-measurement device. Four times daily the participants will register saturation, degree of dyspnea and PEF. If the participants experience desaturation or increasing dyspnea, physiotherapy is to be performed, and if that doesn't relieve symptoms or increase oxygen saturation, the hospital should be contacted for admission. The first part of this study is a feasibility study, and if found feasible, the investigators will expand the study to more participants.

Unknown status

Other: Self measurement with pulse oximeter

Participant will measure peripheral saturation at home, conduct physiotherapy if desaturation occurs, and contact hospital if desatuation persists
Other Name: Lung physiotherapy

Eligibility Criteria

Inclusion Criteria:

- Non dyspneic (NRS =/< 1) patients with positive SARS-CoV-2 test

- Age 18 - 80 years

- Patients managed at home

- Inclusion within 72 hours from positive test

Exclusion Criteria:

- Chronic hypoxia (SpO2 < 93 %) and/or first measured SpO2 < 93 %

- Admitted to hospital for COVID-19 prior to inclusion

- Unable to perform pulse oximetry

- Unable to perform physiotherapy

Eligibility Gender
Eligibility Age
Minimum: 18 Years ~ Maximum: 80 Years

Ostfold Hospital
Sarpsborg, Grålum, Norway

Investigator: Hans Joakim Myklebust-Hansen, MD
Contact: 004797501765

Ostfold Hospital Trust
NCT Number
Silent Hypoxia
Lung Physiotherapy
Home monitoring
MeSH Terms