Official Title
sFlt1: a Biomarker of Organ Dysfunction in Critically-ill Patients With COVID-19?
Brief Summary

Short description of the protocol intended for the lay public. Include a brief statement of the study hypothesis (Limit : 5000 characters) The management of critically-ill patients with organ failure due to COVID-19 represents a major healthcare burden. While endothelial inflammation has been reported in these patients, the pathophysiological mechanisms remain incompletely elucidated.

Detailed Description

Extended description of the protocol, including more technical information (as compared to
the Brief Summary) if desired. Do not include the entire protocol; do not duplicate
information recorded in other data elements, such as eligibility criteria or outcome
measures. (Limit : 32 000 characters)

The soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase 1 (SFlt1) is the soluble form of VEGF-A receptor 1
(VEGFR1). By linking VEGF-A with a high affinity, sFlt1 blocks the VEGF-A / VEFR1 axis and
impairs endothelial homeostasis. Its production increases during inflammation. We hypothesize
that sFlt1 is upregulated and correlates with endothelial dysfunction and outcomes in
critically-ill patients with COVID-19.

Coronavirus Infections

Other: measurement of circulating sFlt1 concentration

blood circulating sFlt1 concentration will be determined

Eligibility Criteria

Inclusion Criteria:

- Patient with documented COVID-19 (positive PCR)

- Hospitalized in University Hospital of Reims

- Patient or family who have previously consented

Exclusion Criteria:

- Patient <18 yo

- Patient not insured under the French social security

Eligibility Gender
Eligibility Age
Minimum: 18 Years ~ Maximum: N/A

Chu Reims
Reims, France

NCT Number
MeSH Terms
Coronavirus Infections