Strengthening outpatient low respiratory tract infection surveillance to document theburden of Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV)
The study protocol is designed with three key components: 1. Build on existing PARI
outpatient syndromic surveillance by adding laboratory multiplex testing of LRTI samples
(RSV, Influenza, SARS-COV-2) 2. Follow all bronchiolitis through the PARI RWE database
and document "patient journey" for 5 years after first medical visit 3. Review the
electronic PARI data of three previous seasons in order to document the impact of LRTI
attributable to RSV in children < 2 years in France prior to enhanced surveillance
Diagnostic Test: nasopharyngeal samples
rapid antigen test for Sars Cov-2, influenza and RSV. multiplex RT-PCR for a subgroup of
500 patients
Inclusion Criteria:
- children under 24 months of age (≤)
- One of the holders of parental authority signed the consent
- Patient affiliated to a social security scheme (Social Security or Universal Medical
- First episode of bronchiolitis defined by
- Age ≤24 months
- At least one symptom from group A and one symptom from group B Group A (one or more)
- Fever >38 °C
- Cough
- Otalgia
- Nasal congestion
- Rhinorrhea
- Coryza
- Dysphagia Group B (one or more)
- whistling
- Crackles
- Rales
- Decrease in respiratory noise
- Shortness of breath
- Dyspnea
- OR Acute purulent otitis media (Paradise Criteria) or otorrhea.
- OR Pneumonia defined by the presence of opacity of parenchymal condensation and/or
pleural effusion on chest X-ray associated with fever
Exclusion Criteria:
- Age >24 months
- Refusal by one of the parents
- Not affiliated to a social security system
Créteil, France
Investigator: Corinne Levy, MD
Contact: 0033148850404
Corinne Levy, MD
Stéphane Béchet, MsC