Official Title
Risk Factors, Clinical Characteristics and Outcomes of Acute Infection With Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) In Children
Brief Summary

Patient are being asked to provide respiratory and blood samples for a clinical researchstudy because the patients have a virus called the novel coronavirus, or SARS-CoV-2, thatcauses the disease known as Covid-19.Investigators do not know a lot about this virus, including all the ways it travels fromperson to person. Investigators also do not know if a person will get sick or not fromthe virus after being in close contact with someone who has the virus. Because of this,investigators are performing research on the virus found in respiratory secretions to getmore information on how investigators can best detect and treat this new virus in thefuture.Primary Objective - To determine the clinical characteristics and outcomes of Covid-19 in children. - To characterize the clinical risk factors of Covid-19 in children..Secondary Objectives - To characterize the immunological risk factors and serologic response to SARS-CoV-2 infection in children.- To evaluate the duration of viral shedding in children. - To evaluate the duration of SARS-CoV-2 viral shedding in children. Exploratory Objective

Detailed Description

Nasal swabs will be collected from positive patient participants on Day 0. Timing of
follow-up swabs will be guided by standard of care procedures.

Whole blood will be collected at Days 0. Follow-up blood sampling will be guided by
standard of care procedures. Samples will be stored at -80oC.

Nasal swabs and whole blood will only be obtained at the same time standard of care
procedures are performed. If a patient is not getting a blood draw, no sample will be

Corona Virus Infection
Pediatric Cancer
Adult Children
Eligibility Criteria

Patient Participant Inclusion Criteria:

- Less than 24 years old at the time of enrollment on study.

- St. Jude patients with laboratory confirmed Covid-19.

Exclusion Criteria:

- NA

Eligibility Gender
Eligibility Age
Minimum: N/A ~ Maximum: 24 Years
United States

St. Jude Children's Research Hospital
Memphis, Tennessee, United States

Investigator: Diego Hijano, MD
Contact: 866-278-5833

Investigator: Diego Hijano, MD


Diego Hijano, MD

Diego Hijano, MD, Principal Investigator
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital

St. Jude Children's Research Hospital
NCT Number
MeSH Terms
Communicable Diseases
Coronavirus Infections