Compare the resting energy expenditure of COVID-19 patients (obese or non-obese) in intensive care unit with mechanical ventilation to a control group of non-COVID-19 intensive care patients.
Diagnostic Test: indirect calorimetry
to determine and compare the resting energy expenditure of each group
Inclusion Criteria:
For the Ambulatory Obese Control Group, the inclusion criteria are:
- Age ≥ 18 years;
- Patient followed in the nutrition service;
- Patient who benefited from an indirect calorimetry whatever the indication between
01/01/20 and 31/12/2020;
- BMI> 30.
For the COVID Group and the Resuscitation Control Group, the inclusion criteria are:
- Age ≥ 18 years;
- Patient having undergone a resuscitation stay
- Patient on mechanical ventilation (intubated or tracheotomized) during their stay in
intensive care;
- Patient having benefited from an indirect calorimetry upon arrival in intensive care;
Only for the COVID Group:
- Patient hospitalized in intensive care for COVID 19 infection diagnosed by a positive
PCR via nasopharyngeal sampling or endotracheal aspiration.
- Patient who has not yet carried out his post-resuscitation visit;
Only for the Resuscitation Control Group:
- Patient hospitalized in intensive care for an indication other than an infectious cause.
Exclusion Criteria:
Non-inclusion criteria for the Ambulatory Obese Control Group:
- Person deprived of liberty;
- Person subject to legal protection measures;
- Patient's opposition to participate in research.
The non-inclusion criteria for the COVID Group and the Resuscitation Control Group:
- For patients intubated during the resuscitation stay Fi02> 70% which does not allow a
correct interpretation of the calorimetry;
- Pregnancy ;
- Person deprived of liberty;
- Person subject to legal protection measures;
- Opposition of the patient or the person of trust to participate in the research.
Only for the COVID Group:
- Contraindication to indirect calorimetry (claustrophobia for post-resuscitation
patients where calorimetry is performed with a mask);
- Contraindication to bioimpedancemetry (electronic implants, limb amputation, weight
<30kg or> 300kg);
Arras general hospital
Arras, France
Vincent FLORENT, MD, PhD, Principal Investigator
Centre Hospitalier Arras