Official Title
RespiraConNosotros: Creation and Implementation of a Mobile Application for the Rehabilitation of Patients With Respiratory Sequelae of the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19)
Brief Summary

Platform with a mobile application to encourage the performance of respiratory exercises, controlled and supervised by physiotherapists. It also includes recommendations, frequently asked questions and the possibility of contacting by chat or video calls with experts to solve possible doubts. Currently, the application is ready for use, the registration of users and professionals is enabled and have 20 exercises divided into three intensity levels. It is available for all platforms (PC, ANDROID, iOS). presents a simple deployment, accessible to the entire population and does not require installation. In the future, investigators will include more languages, a greater variety of exercises and even other types of therapies. Investigators will also carry out the adaptation to functional diversity with subtitles and voice commands.

Unknown status

Other: Breathing exercise

Participants will carry out a breathing exercise program through the RespiraConNosotros mobile application. They will be asked to carry out the proposed exercises with a frequency of 3 times a week for 3 months.

Eligibility Criteria

Inclusion Criteria:

- Respiratory affectation diagnosis

- Internet access to run the application

Exclusion Criteria:

- Presence of contraindications to physical exercise or the lack of comprehensive
ability to access the application will be considered.

Eligibility Gender
Eligibility Age
Minimum: 18 Years ~ Maximum: N/A

Ines Llamas-Ramos
Salamanca, Spain

Investigator: Ines Llamas-Ramos, Dr.
Contact: +34 663 008736


Beatriz M Bermejo-Gil, Prof.
+34 622 289 468

Rocio Llamas-Ramos, Dr.
+34 657 854 188

University of Salamanca
NCT Number
Respiration Disorders
breathing exercises
MeSH Terms