Official Title
Residual Symptoms in Patients With a History of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) and Their Impact on Biopsychosocial Functions (Post-Covid Syndrome)
Brief Summary

The aim of the study is to describe the post-covid-19 syndrome in Lithuanian populationregarding the remaining symptoms and their impact on physical functioning, work abilityand needs of rehabilitation.

Detailed Description

Participants with suspected and confirmed cases of COVID-19 infection will complete an
anonymous online questionnaire for post-covid syndrome, i.e. symptoms lasting longer than
28 days after post-covid-19 syndrome. The online survey is developed to assess the health
state before infection and residual symptoms lasting longer than acute COVID-19
infection, influencing the functional activity and work ability. The needs of
rehabilitation will also be assessed.

Unknown status
Post-Covid Syndrome
Eligibility Criteria

Inclusion Criteria:

- older than 18 years age patients;

- a history of COVID-19 infection that was and was not positive for SARS-CoV-2
diagnostic or antibody testing

- the duration of remaining symptoms is longer than 28 days

- ability to fulfil internet-based questionnaire

Exclusion Criteria:

- ongoing covid-19 infection

- other comorbidities requiring treatment or rehabilitation

Eligibility Gender
Eligibility Age
Minimum: 18 Years ~ Maximum: N/A

Lithuanian University of Health Sciences
Kaunas, Lithuania

Investigator: Vyriausioji referentė
Contact: +370 32 72 01


Dovilė Važgėlienė

Karolinska Institutet
NCT Number
Post-Covid syndrome; Rehabilitation
MeSH Terms