Official Title
Rehabilitation Needs After COVID-19 Hospital Treatment (REACT): an Observational Study
Brief Summary

The onset of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in the first months of 2020 had a huge impact on Italian population and Healthcare System, with more than 150.000 total confirmed cases1. SARS-CoV-2 is a highly contagious new virus, causing an influenza like illness and respiratory tract infection demonstrating fever (89%), cough (68%), fatigue (38%), sputum production (34%) and/or shortness of breath (19%). The aim of this observational study is to detect symptoms, disabilities, participation and the lived experience of the disease in individuals affected by COVID-19 two months after the hospital discharge.

Detailed Description

The onset of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in the first months of 2020 had a huge
impact on Italian population and Healthcare System, with more than 150.000 total confirmed
cases. SARS-CoV-2 is a highly contagious new virus, causing an influenza like illness and
respiratory tract infection demonstrating fever (89%), cough (68%), fatigue (38%), sputum
production (34%) and/or shortness of breath (19%). The spectrum of disease severity ranges
from an asymptomatic infection or mild upper respiratory tract illness (80% of cases), to 15%
of cases with severe infection with fever, cough, fatigue and shortness of breath, requiring
oxygen, and 5% are severe viral pneumonia with respiratory failure requiring ventilation and
life support and/or death. At present, clinicians do not know the real impact of Coronavirus
Disease on patients' performances, functional status and QoL. Patients admitted to hospital
experience fever, cough, dyspnea, muscle soreness and/or acute respiratory distress syndrome
but healthcare professionals observe also anxiety, depression and important functional
limitations during hospital stay. This situation is expected to have a significant negative
impact in the short term, mainly for patients affected by other medical conditions and it may
lead to deconditioning, fatigue, isolation, poor functional status and QoL.

In the first months after COVID-19 outbreak, researchers focused their studies on infection
epidemiology, transmission, COVID-19 diagnosis and medical treatments. As the epidemic
progresses, a large part of patients is expected to come out of the acute phase, and they may
need adequate rehabilitation to face functional limitations and return to previous levels of

To date, the very few studies published on the rehabilitation of positive and symptomatic
patients with COVID-19 focused on pulmonary rehabilitation guidelines or on implications for
rehabilitation services. To our knowledge, no clinical trial on rehabilitation intervention
for patients after COVID-19 is ongoing. Our research group set up an observational study to
detect patients' rehabilitation needs after COVID-19, collecting data on symptoms,
impairments, functional abilities and participations to social life in the first months after
hospital discharge.

The aim of this observational study is to detect symptoms, disabilities, participation and
the lived experience of the disease in individuals affected by COVID-19 two months after the
hospital discharge.


Other: none, this study is observational

none, this study is observational

Eligibility Criteria

Inclusion Criteria:

- age>18,

- positive at COVID-19

- manifesting symptoms that required hospitalization, that is history of fever or
pneumonia or other symptoms COVID-19 related.

Exclusion Criteria:

- asymptomatic individuals COVID-19 positive that were hospitalized for reasons other
than COVID-19;

- dementia;

- psychiatric disorders

- other diseases preventing people to participate to the rehabilitation assessments
provided by this protocol;

- acute or post-acute clinical conditions causing disability itself (e.g.: major
neurological disease, such as recent stroke, TBI, etc., or recent surgical
intervention, or heart failure, etc.),

- previous complete dependence in ADLs .

Eligibility Gender
Eligibility Age
Minimum: 18 Years ~ Maximum: N/A

Azienda USL-IRCCS S.Maria Nuova Hospital
Reggio Emilia, Italy

Stefania Fugazzaro, MD, Principal Investigator
Azienda USL - IRCCS of Reggio Emilia (Italy)

Azienda Unità Sanitaria Locale Reggio Emilia
NCT Number
patients' needs
MeSH Terms