COVID19 patients survivors, after discharge from hospital show reduced lung function andreduced ability to exercise. Furthermore, mental health problems including stress,anxiety and depression and a low quality of life were observed. The prospectiveobservational study involves COVID19 patients who have needed rehabilitation at theUniversity Hospital of Ferrara. Patients receive comprehensive rehabilitation based ontheir specific needs in both acute and subacute rehabilitation. At the end of hospitalrehabilitation, patients are offered a program to be carried out at home for bothphysical and psychological problems. A range of demographic and clinical data will becollected. Patients will also undergo a battery of functional, cognitive andpsychological tests at 12, 26 and 52 weeks from the infection onset. Moreover, a specificassessement (both clinical and instrumental) on the pain symptom experienced, wherepresent, will be done.
Behavioral: Early rehabilitation
The intervention is primarily focused on the recovery of mobility and functional
autonomy. The treatment sessions are dependent on the patient's exercise tolerance.
Behavioral: Subacute rehabilitation
Comprehensive intensive rehabilitation in the hospital
Behavioral: Mindfulness training
The home mindfulness training consists of 2 parts: 1) explanation and reflection of the
Mindfulness practice 2) formal and informal practice.
Behavioral: Personalized ambulatory training
Low-intensity walking exercises at home
Inclusion Criteria:
- diagnosis of covid19 (WHO criteria);
- indication for respiratory and / or neuromotor rehabilitation treatment
Exclusion Criteria:
- cognitive or communication impairment precluding informed consent
- severe medical conditions
- pregnancy
Department of Neuroscience and Rehabilitation, University Hospital of Ferrara
Ferrara, Emilia Romagna, Italy
Investigator: Sofia Straudi, MD, PhD
Contact: 0532236185
Sofia Straudi, MD, PhD