The main objective of this pilot study is to evaluate the effect of a remote interdisciplinary PR program that is delivered using two exercise approaches on the recovery of long-term post-COVD-19 outcomes. The specific aims are i) to evaluate the effect of the program and ii) each of the approaches on patients': 1) lung capacity, 2) dyspnea and fatigue, 3) exercise capacity, 4) physical function, 5) participation, and 5) HRQoL.
This pilot study uses a two-arm randomized pre- and post-trial design to evaluate the effect
of a remote interdisciplinary PR program, delivered using two exercise approaches, on the
recovery of long-term post-COVD-19 outcomes (≥ 3 months after infection). Group one: will be
asked to follow the exercise program with a small group of peers (2 groups/6 participants
each) in a zoom meeting 3 times a week/45 min each {including 5 min before and 10 min after
the meeting for free talk-chat between the participants e.g. questions, perceptions, etc.).
The therapist will lead the first three meetings, gradually encourage participants to take
turns leading the exercises with the goal of identifying /empowering potential patient
leaders. Beginning with the fourth meeting, participants will be encouraged to connect to the
meeting and follow their exercise program on their own, taking into account their
individualized recommendations. The RA will organize and attend the zoom meetings to resolve
general questions (e.g. equipment, platforms, etc.) and will act as a direct point of contact
between the therapist and the participants. Group two: will be asked to follow the exercise
program 3 times a week/30 min each while watching a pre-recorded YouTube video. D)
Self-monitoring: patients will be asked to wear the finger pulse oximeter at all times while
exercising, so that they can control their pace while avoiding exceeding target values (HR,
Sp02). They will be asked to record in their HR and Sp02 values before and after
participation in every session of the exercise program in a diary. E) Support: participants
will be able to contact the therapist at any time during the study if they have questions or
concerns. Otherwise, they will receive a follow-up phone call once a week from the RA.
Other: Exercise program (virtual/remote)
Intervention (8 weeks): using the participants' initial assessment and personal characteristics, the therapist will provide personalized recommendations (e.g. maximum heart rate, minimum SpO2), explain the educational materials, and instruct patients on safety precautions.
Inclusion Criteria:
- Post-COVID-19 ≥ 3 months after infection.
- Mild to severe persistent respiratory symptoms
- Access to a smart phone, tablet or computer and home internet
Exclusion Criteria:
- History of neurological disease or mental illness
- Inability to ambulate independently without supervision
- Inability to complete basic tasks on a smart phone or tablet
U of Manitoba
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Diana C Sanchez-Ramirez, PhD, Principal Investigator
University of Manitoba