Hospital staff and emergency personnel are expected to suffer impaired psychological outcomes during a pandemic in terms of Quality of Life, anxiety, depression or other outcomes. The Covid-19 pandemic is a threat for both somatic and psychological health, therefore the impact of the impairment of this event on psychological parameters has to be assessed.
Hospital staff and emergency personell are confronted with severe and life-threatening
situations, therefore this group is considered to be at risk for impaired psychological
health. A pandemic such as the Covid-19 endemic is suggested to severely impair the
psychological state of this profession, amongst others Quality of life, anxiety, depression
and other parameters. Therefore, it is crucial to assess the impact of impairment due to this
global threat on the psychological health of health care providers. We therefore designed
this study to evaluate baseline psychological characteristics and to re-assess those values
in an interval of 60 days.
Other: No intervention
No intervention, just of questionnaire including validated tests
Inclusion Criteria:
Hospital staff (doctors and nurses)
Exclusion Criteria:
University Hospital Essen
Essen, NRW, Germany