Patients with COVID-19 diagnoses are treated under isolation in hospitals and withhigh-stress level. Currently, there is little information on the mental healthimplications of exposure amongst COVID-19 survivors and their family members. Researchexploring the psychological impact amongst survivors of exposure to COVID-19 isdesperately needed to understand the effects, mental health toll, and support required insurvivors of COVID-19. This study aims to assess the psychological impact of the COVID-19outbreak on COVID-19 survivors and their family members.
Since the 2019 coronavirus disease (COVID-19) was first reported, it has been rapidly
transmitted and has aroused enormous global attention. Infected patients may develop
severe and even fatal respiratory symptoms such as acute respiratory distress syndrome
(ARDS) and acute respiratory failure, ending up in intensive care. Patients with COVID-19
diagnoses are treated under isolation in hospitals and with high-stress level. The stress
and psychological impact on patients were also correlated significantly with several
adverse psychological effects, such as fatigue, fear of social contact, poor sleep,
loneliness, and depressed mood. The psychological impact of COVID-19 may also evolve and
last for a prolonged period after discharge from the hospital. However, there is
currently little information on the mental health implications of exposure amongst
COVID-19 survivors and their family members. Research exploring the psychological impact
amongst survivors of exposure to COVID-19 is desperately needed to understand the
effects, mental health toll, and support required in survivors of COVID-19. This study
aims to assess the psychological impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on COVID-19 survivors
and their family members.
Inclusion Criteria:
- COVID-19 survivors (i.e., diagnosed with COVID-19 and discharged from the hospital)
and/or a family member of a COVID-19 survivor;
- Aged 18 years or above;
- No medical diagnosis of psychiatric illness
Exclusion Criteria:
• Refusal to give consent
Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Investigator: Agnes YK Lai
Investigator: Agnes YK Lai, PhD
Agnes YK Lai, PhD
Mary SM Ip, MD
Agnes YK Lai, PhD, Principal Investigator
The University of Hong Kong