Official Title
A Multicenter, Double-blind, Randomized, Placebo-controlled Clinical Trial to Protect Health Workers Against COVID-19 by Using Previfenon® as Chemoprophylaxis During a SARS-CoV-2 Outbreak. The HERD Study
Brief Summary

The purpose of this clinical trial is to determine the efficacy of Previfenon® (EGCG) to prevent COVID-19, enhance systemic immunity, and decrease the frequency and intensity of selected symptoms when used as pre-exposure chemoprophylaxis to SARS-CoV-2.

Detailed Description

Background. Experimental studies have revealed that epigallocatechin-3-galeate (EGCG), a
biologically active polyphenol extracted and purified from Camellia Sinensis, may prevent
infection by various kinds of viruses, including coronaviruses. Recent double blind, placebo
controlled clinical trials, reported up to 75% reduction in the risk of respiratory infection
by healthcare workers during an outbreak of H1N1 influenza, simultaneously enhancing systemic
immunity by increasing proliferation of ϒδ T cells (28%) and production of IFN-γ (26%). In
molecular docking studies against severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2
(SARS-CoV-2, the causal agent of coronavirus disease 2019 outbreak also known as COVID-19)
EGCG was identified as a candidate with very high potential for antiviral chemoprophylaxis of

Primary objective: To determine whether Previfenon®, a proprietary formulation of EGCG ≥ 98%
purity stabilized with selected excipients, may clinically prevent COVID-19, enhance systemic
immunity, decrease the rate for acute respiratory disease, and reduce the frequency and
intensity of selected symptoms of COVID-19.

Secondary objective: To determine safety and tolerability of Previfenon® in terms of liver
toxicity and frequency of adverse events.

Design. Multicenter randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trial of healthcare workers in
treatment by 40 consecutive days as minimum, or a maximum variable time between 60 to 70 days
during a SARS-CoV-2 outbreak in Latin American hospitals exposed to clinical care, contact,
or circulation of patients with suspected respiratory acute disease caused by SARS-CoV-2 also
known as COVID -19.

Sample size: A minimum effect size of 25% (OR = 0.75) is considered; 5% alpha error; 90%
power; R = 0.25 for confounders and 20% for loss to follow up. If a conservative event rate
of 7.5% in the untreated group is considered, the trial will require 524 participants (262
each group); if the event rate reaches 13.5%, the trial will require 298 participants (149
each group). It is expected to recruit between 100 to 240 subjects per site.

Intervention. The treatment group will receive 3 capsules of Previfenon® daily containing 250
mg of EGCG one every 8 hours. The control group will receive 3 placebo capsules (starch 250
mg) under the same frequency.

Outcomes. The primary outcome will be the rate of clinically defined COVID-19 confirmed with
rt-PCR for SARS-CoV-2 viral RNA. Secondary outcomes will be (1) rate of positive cases for
IgM or IgG anti-SARS-CoV-2 as measured by a rapid immuno-chromatographic test; (2) rate of
positive cases for rtPCR for SARS-Cov-2 viral RNA (3) rate of hospitalization for acute
respiratory disease; (4) total rate of lower or upper acute respiratory disease. Exploratory
outcomes will be the frequency and intensity of selected symptoms for COVID-19. Safety
outcomes will be the number of events of major hepatic toxicity accounted by an increment in
liver enzymes and frequency of adverse events during the treatment.

Analysis. Comparison of frequencies, means, and proportions for all relevant variables
between treated group and placebo will be performed. An interim analysis will be conducted
with the first 366 subjects with at least 20 days of treatment during the outbreak. It will
be utilized logistic regression to explore the ongoing effect size in a fixed-effect model.
Disease-free person-days curves over the total follow up period will be analyzed using
Kaplan-Meier and the total effect size will be computed by Cox proportional hazards multiple

Leading hypothesis: The use of Previfenon® will have a high efficacy in the chemoprophylaxis
of COVID-19 through multiple complementary mechanisms, which ultimately prevent an efficient
incubation of the SARS-CoV-2 in the host cells, and simultaneously, enhances systemic
immunity against the pathogen.

Unknown status

Drug: Previfenon®

Every capsule of Previfenon® (patent pending) provides 250 mg EGCG ≥ 98% purity with a carefully selected set of excipients to improve flowability, stabilize EGCG against early auto-oxidation, and increase its hepatoprotective activity with prolonged use.
Other Name: Epigallocatechin-3-Gallate, EGCG

Drug: Placebo

Participants will receive placebo starch capsules (250 mg plus excipients) identical in appearance and taste to Previfenon® capsules in a double-blind manner.
Other Name: Starch

Eligibility Criteria

Inclusion Criteria:

- Volunteer healthcare worker with any valid credential of the center

- 25 years old and over

- Not having been diagnosed with COVID-19

- A healthy individual as per investigator's judgment or stating stable
non-transmissible chronic disease without hospitalization in the last year, without
change of medications or addition of medications to treat chronic illnesses in the
last 3 months.

- No pregnancy or breastfeeding

- Female subjects of childbearing potential using an effective family planning method or
surgical sterilization or not sexually active during the study

- Do not drink more than 300 ml of tea a day

- Do not take supplements or products containing EGCG during the study

- Being able to set aside time each day to complete the study questionnaires

- Being able to read and understand the informed consent form before the study

Exclusion Criteria:

- Healthcare worker who does not have a valid credential from the center

- Under 25 years of age

- Having been diagnosed with a positive rtPCR for COVID-19

- History of febrile acute respiratory disease within the previous 12 weeks

- Volunteer with significant alteration from laboratory tests (standard biochemical
profile and hemogram) at screening. A significant abnormality will be defined
according investigator's medical judgment.

- Women during pregnancy or breastfeeding

- Female subjects of childbearing age who are sexually active during the study who do
not use an effective method of family planning or do not have surgical sterilization

- Known allergy to green tea or EGCG

- Known starch allergy

- User of any medication or supplement containing EGCG

- Volunteer using immunosuppressive drugs

- Autoimmune disease (Lupus, Sjögren or another), liver disease

- Anemia requiring treatment

- Having a chronic infectious disease under treatment

Eligibility Gender
Eligibility Age
Minimum: 25 Years ~ Maximum: N/A

Cristian Vargas, MD

Miguel A Bravo, MPH

Elard S Koch, PhD, Study Director
MELISA Institute Genomics & Proteomics Research SpA

Universidad Austral
NCT Number
Clinical Trial
Antiviral Agents
MeSH Terms
Epigallocatechin gallate