Official Title
Presenting Nutrition Characteristics, Comorbidities and Outcomes of COVID-19 in African Humanitarian Settings: a Prospective Cohort Study in South Sudan and DRC
Brief Summary

This study will characterize risk factors for poor COVID-19 outcomes (hospitalization, death) and clinical progression of hospitalized COVID-19 patients in South Sudan and Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Detailed Description

A prospective cohort design will be used to follow suspected, probable, and confirmed
COVID-19 cases presenting for care at International Medical Corp [supported] health
facilities in Juba, South Sudan and the Kivus in Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo
(DRC). This research seeks to assess risk factors for poor outcomes and characterize clinical
disease progression of COVID-19 cases in resource-poor humanitarian contexts in Africa.
Specifically, this study aims to characterize risk factors for poor COVID-19 outcomes,
including both co-morbidities with evidence from high income settings, as well as prevalent
conditions in humanitarian settings (e.g., acute malnutrition, malaria, HIV) for which data
is not yet available. This research also aims to determine how the progression of confirmed
COVID-19 cases in resource-poor African settings may differ from other settings where data
are available.

Eligibility Criteria

Inclusion Criteria:

- Suspected, probable, and confirmed COVID-19 cases presenting for care at participating
health facilities (either by walk-in, referral or transfer) or identified by mobile
contact tracing teams.

Exclusion Criteria:

- Individuals unable or unwilling to give informed consent (e.g., due to mental

Eligibility Gender
Eligibility Age
Minimum: 5 Years ~ Maximum: N/A
Congo, The Democratic Republic of the
South Sudan

Goma General Hospital
Goma, Congo, The Democratic Republic of the

Bukavu General Hospital
Kinshasa, Congo, The Democratic Republic of the

Dr John Garang Infectious Diseases Unit
Juba, South Sudan

Shannon Doocy, PhD, Principal Investigator
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
NCT Number
COVID-19 risk factors
COVID-19 outcomes
South Sudan
Democratic Republic of the Congo
MeSH Terms