The safety and efficacy of a laryngoscopy as a primary intubation tool in urgent endotracheal intubation of cardiac arrest patients with suspected/confirmed COVID-19 has not been well-described in the literature. This study will answer whether using a Vie Scope laryngoscope will impact on the efficacy and safety of intubation compared with a traditional direct laryngoscopy.
Intubation will be carried out in full personal protective equipment conditions of the
Procedure: Direct laryngoscopy
standard laryngoscope with Macintosh blade
Other Name: MAC
Procedure: Vie Scope laryngoscopy
Vie Scope with dedicated bougie stylet
Other Name: VCE
Inclusion Criteria:
- All adult patients requiring out-of-hospital intubation
Exclusion Criteria:
- Patient under 18 years old
- Patients with criteria predictive of impossible intubation under direct laryngoscopy
Emergency Medical Service
Poznan, Poland
Emergency Medical Service
Warsaw, Poland