Official Title
Place of Circulating Biomarkers and Respiratory Eicosanoids in the Prognosis of Severe Forms of Covid-19 Pneumonia: BioCovid Study
Brief Summary

The research is a prospective, multicentric (Groupe hospitalier Paris Saint-Joseph, Centre Hospitalier de Versailles André Mignot and Centre Hospitalier Victor Dupouy), non-interventional, prospective study. It aims at measuring eicosanoids at different stages of Covid-19 infection.

Detailed Description

The reason for the involvement of overweight in the severity of viral respiratory
pathologies, particularly during influenza and coronavirus infections, has been the subject
of numerous studies which have made it possible to objectify the importance of viral load (at
least in mice), particularly in the lower airways and in the alveolar sacs, leading to tissue
alteration and alveolar haemorrhage. The mechanisms responsible for alveolar damage during
viral pathologies, particularly Coronavirus, are very similar to those observed during acute
respiratory distress syndromes in adults. In many situations, endotoxin (or
lipopolysaccharide, LPS) plays a major role in the pathophysiology and even the severity of
respiratory damage, in particular due to the existence of circulating endotoxin from the
causative pathogen (Gram-negative bacteria), but also due to translocation of digestive
origin in the context of sepsis (systemic inflammatory response) which is associated with (if
not responsible for) respiratory aggression. The importance of this mechanism during
pulmonary aggression of viral origin is however unknown. This respiratory attack is
associated with a major systemic inflammatory response, reported during the course of
Covid-19 infection as corresponding to a "cytokine storm". However, the course of the
inflammation is poorly understood and its prognostic nature in the occurrence of a
secondarily severe form is not yet better illustrated.

The inflammatory reaction (cytokines, eicosanoids, etc.) is an essential process for the
elimination of pathogens by the host, but it must be limited in intensity and duration,
otherwise it becomes deleterious for the infected organ. In the case of the lungs, it can
induce an acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), which can be severe as in Covid-19
patients with complications. It can be hypothesized that in the early stages of infection,
these mediators may play a protective role against Covid-19. Inhibition of these mediators
may therefore be deleterious as has been observed in subjects who have taken non-steroidal
anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) that inhibit the production of eicosanoids.

Eligibility Criteria

Inclusion Criteria:

- Patient aged over 18 years

- French-speaking

- Patient whose Covid-19 respiratory infection was confirmed by laboratory tests, PCR
and any other commercial or public health tests

- Patient hospitalized in intensive care unit and under invasive mechanical ventilation
for less than three days (early inflammatory phase)

- Adult acute respiratory distress syndrome according to the Berlin definition

- Patient on long-term statin therapy regardless of the rationale for treatment (or
without treatment for the control group).

Exclusion Criteria:

- Patient/family or "medical" proxy who refuses the patient's participation in the study

- Patient under guardianship or curatorship

- Patient deprived of liberty

- Patient under the safeguard of justice.

Eligibility Gender
Eligibility Age
Minimum: 18 Years ~ Maximum: N/A

Groupe Hospitalier Paris Saint-Joseph
Paris, France

Groupe Hospitalier Paris Saint Joseph
NCT Number
MeSH Terms