Exertional desaturation is a feature of COVID-19. The study will measure vital signs of patients discharge by practitioners in primary care, secondary care or by paramedic practitioners. Patients will then undertake a 40-steps on the spot walk followed by measurements of heart rate and oxygen saturations for up to two minutes. Association of desaturation with 30 days hospital admission and mortality will be reported.
Diagnostic Test: 40-Steps-test
40 steps performed on the spot
Inclusion Criteria:
- Patients are being considered for discharge to independent care
- Participant is willing and able to give informed consent for participation in the
- Patient with independent, stable, gait
- Patient is alert, attentive, coherent, and calm
- Male or Female, aged 18 years or above.
Exclusion Criteria:
- Minor injuries
- Elective surgery patients
- Post-operative patients at discharge
- Requires supplemental oxygen
- Shortness of breath at rest (i.e. Borg or Numerical Rating Scale >=2)
- Unstable angina
- Patients on long-term-oxygen therapy
- Pregnancy as stated by patient
- Oxygen saturations < 95% on room air
- Resting heart rate > 100 bpm
- Resting respiratory rate > 25 bpm
- ECG with signs of acute ischemia in patients where an ECG has been requested by the
treating clinician
- National Early Warning Score of 5 or more
- Nursing home residents, or those being transferred to a nursing home or similar care
Ysbyty Gwynedd
Menai Bridge, Gwynedd, United Kingdom
Investigator: Christian Subbe
Contact: 07771922890
Christian Subbe, DM
Laura Langshaw