A randomized, double-blind, placebo -controlled, phase IIb clinical trial to evaluate theefficacy, safety and immunogenicity of one or two doses of Recombinant Novel CoronavirusVaccine (Adenovirus Type 5 Vector) in adults 18 years of age and older, living with HIV,on stable treatment, and virologically suppressed for at least 6 monthsProtocol number: FH-58
Primary Safety Objectives:
- Evaluate the incidence of solicited adverse reactions within 7 days after
- Evaluate the incidence of unsolicited adverse events within 28 days after
- Evaluate the viral load 24 and 52 weeks after vaccination
- Evaluate the incidence of serious adverse events (SAE) and medically attended
adverse events (MAE) within 52 weeks after vaccination in all participants.
Primary Immunogenicity Objectives:
- Evaluate the seroconversion rate of S-RBD IgG antibody on Day 28, Day 84 and Week 24
and Week 52 after vaccination, measured by ELISA.
- Evaluate the immunogenicity of one versus two doses of the vaccine
Secondary Safety Objectives:
- Evaluate the incidence of a decrease in CD4+ cell count by ≥20% at 24 and 52 weeks
after vaccination.
- Evaluate changes in the CD4/CD8 ratio at 24 and 52 weeks compared to the basal
- To evaluate the efficacy of one or two doses of Ad5-nCoV in different age groups
from 14 and 28 days to 24 and 52 weeks after vaccination. This will be evaluated by
weekly participant contact to assess for any signs or symptoms of COVID 19.
Secondary Immunogenicity Objectives:
- Evaluate the GMT of S-RBD IgG antibody on Day 28, Day 84 and Week 24 and Week 52
after vaccination, measured by ELISA.
- Evaluate the GMI of S-RBD IgG antibody on Day 28, Day 84 and Week 24 and Week 52
after vaccination, measured by ELISA.
- Evaluate the seroconversion rate of pseudo-virus neutralizing antibody on Day 28,
Day 84 and Week 24 and Week 52 after vaccination.
- Evaluate the GMT of pseudo-virus neutralizing antibody on Day 28, Day 84 and Week 24
and Week 52 after vaccination.
- Evaluate the GMI of pseudo-virus neutralizing antibody on Day 28, Day 84 and Week 24
and Week 52 after vaccination.
- Evaluate the positive rate and level of IFN-γ, TNF, IL-4, IL-5, IL-13 stimulated by
peptide pool of S protein on Day 28, Day 84 and Weeks 24 and Week 52 after
vaccination, measured by intracellular cytokine staining (ICS) (in a subset of
approximately 60 participants).
Exploratory Objectives
- To evaluate the efficacy of one or two doses of Ad5-nCoV in preventing virologically
confirmed (PCR positive) COVID-19 disease occurring 14 days and 28 days to 52 weeks
after vaccination, regardless of severity.
- To evaluate the efficacy of one or two doses of Ad5-nCoV in preventing virologically
(PCR) or serologically (four-fold increase in SARS-CoV-2 anti-N IgG from
preimmunization to post symptom, defined as Day 21-28 post illness blood test, or
presymptom to post-symptom blood test) confirmed COVID-19 disease occurring 14 and
28 days to 52 weeks after vaccination, regardless of severity.
- To evaluate the efficacy of one or two doses of Ad5-nCoV in preventing severe
COVID-19 disease caused by SARS-CoV-2 infection from 14 and 28 days to 24 and 52
weeks after vaccination. Severe disease is defined as: 1) Clinical signs at rest
indicative of severe systemic illness (respiratory rate ≥ 30 per minute, heart rate
≥ 125 per minute, SpO2 ≤ 93% on room air at sea level or PaO2/FiO2 < 300 mm Hg), 2)
Respiratory failure (defined as needing high-flow oxygen, non-invasive ventilation,
mechanical ventilation or ECMO), 3) Evidence of shock (SBP < 90 mm Hg, DBP < 60 mm
Hg, or requiring vasopressors), 4) Significant acute renal, hepatic, or neurologic
dysfunction, 5) Admission to an ICU
- Evaluate the efficacy of Ad5-nCoV in preventing asymptomatic disease of COVID-19
(confirmed by N IgG antibody on week 52 after vaccination).
- Evaluate the severity of COVID-19 cases among vaccine recipients (based on WHO or
FDA criteria) as compared to the control group, to measure antibody-mediated disease
enhancement (ADE).
- Evaluate for any evidence of SARS-CoV-2 virus shedding in COVID-19 cases that
occurred 28 days to 52 weeks after vaccination (detection of viral nucleic acid
every 2 days after being confirmed).
- Perform genotyping of SARS-CoV-2 virus isolates of COVID-19 cases that occurred 28
days to 52 weeks after vaccination.
- Evaluate incidence of suspected but unconfirmed cases of COVID-19 (either because of
negative or no tests).
Biological: Recombinant Novel Coronavirus Vaccine (Adenovirus Type 5 Vector) (Ad5-nCoV)
All participants will receive two doses vaccine and will be followed to monitor vaccine
candidate safety, immunogenicity, and efficacy for a duration of 52 weeks. Fifty four
days after the first vaccination, all participants will receive a second injection.
Inclusion Criteria:
1. Adults of 18 years of age, and older.
2. Confirmed HIV infection
- At least two HIV plasma viral load (pVL) below 40 copies in the last 12 months,
one within the last 60 days (value obtained at Screening visit can be used for
the value within the last 60 days)
- A CD4 count at screening equal or above 300 cells/mL and a CD4 percentage equal
or above 15 % within the previous 60 days (value obtained at Screening visit
can be used for the value within the last 60 days)
- Participant must be on a stable highly active anti-retroviral treatment (HAART)
for 6 months (unless the change is due to tolerability, in which case the
regimen can be for only the previous 3 months) and with an estimated adherence
of ≥80% within the last 60 days. - A HAART regimen (as defined by the
Argentinean ART guidelines), means a combination of 2 NRTIs plus one INSTI or a
NNRTI or a boosted PI or a dual combination of dolutegravir and 3TC.
3. Able and willing (in the Investigator's opinion) to comply with all study
4. Willing to allow the investigators to discuss the volunteer's medical history with
their General Practitioner/personal doctor and access all medical records when
relevant to study procedures.
5. Healthy adults, or stable-healthy adults who may have a pre-existing medical
condition that does not meet any exclusion criteria. A stable medical condition is
defined as disease not requiring significant change in therapy or hospitalization
for worsening disease during the 3 months before enrollment.
6. For females of childbearing potential only, willingness to practice continuous
effective contraception (see glossary) for 30 days prior to enrollment in the study,
for 90 days after receiving vaccination during the study, and have a negative
pregnancy test on the day(s) of screening/ vaccination (First Injection Visit and
Second Injection Visit).
7. Males participating in this study who are involved in heterosexual sexual activity
must agree to practice adequate contraception (see glossary) and refrain from
donating sperm for 90 days after receiving the study vaccination.
8. Agreement to refrain from blood donation during the study.
9. Provide written informed consent.
Exclusion Criteria:
1. Participation in any other COVID-19 prophylactic drug trials for the duration
of the study.
Note: Participation in COVID-19 treatment trials is allowed in the event of
hospitalization due to COVID-19. The study team should be informed as soon as possible.
2. Participation in SARS-CoV-2 serological surveys where participants are informed of
their serostatus for the duration of the study.
Note: Disclosure of serostatus post enrolment may accidentally unblind participants to
group allocation. Participation in this trial can only be allowed if volunteers are kept
blinded to their serology results from local/national serological surveys 3. Planned
receipt of any vaccine (licensed or investigational), other than the study intervention,
within 14 days before and after study vaccination 4. Prior receipt of an investigational
or licensed vaccine likely to impact on the interpretation of the trial data (e.g.
Adenovirus vectored vaccines, any coronavirus or SARS vaccines) 5. Administration of
immunoglobulins and/or any blood products within the three months prior to the planned
administration of the vaccine candidate 6. Any confirmed or suspected immunosuppressive
or immunodeficient state (other than living with HIV, on stable treatment, and
virologically suppressed for at least 6 months); asplenia; recurrent severe infections
and chronic use (more than 14 days) of immunosuppressant medication within the past 6
months. Topical steroids or short-term (course lasting ≤14 days) oral steroids are not an
exclusion 7. Active opportunistic infections or other AIDS-defining illness in the last
six months.
8. History of allergic disease or reactions likely to be exacerbated by any component
of Ad5-nCoV 9. Any history of angioedema 10. Any history of anaphylaxis to any
vaccine component 11. Pregnancy, lactation or willingness/intention to become
pregnant within 90 days after receiving study vaccine 12. Current diagnosis of or
treatment for cancer (except basal cell carcinoma of the skin and cervical carcinoma
in situ) 13. History of serious psychiatric condition likely to affect participation
in the study 14. Bleeding disorder (e.g. factor deficiency, coagulopathy or platelet
disorder), or prior history of significant bleeding or bruising following IM
injections or venepuncture 15. Suspected or known current alcohol or drug dependency
16. Severe and/or uncontrolled cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease,
gastrointestinal disease, liver disease, renal disease, endocrine disorder and
neurological illness (mild/moderate well-controlled comorbidities are allowed) 17.
History of laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 18. Continuous use of anticoagulants, such
as coumarins and related anticoagulants (i.e. warfarin) or novel oral anticoagulants
(i.e. apixaban, rivaroxaban, dabigatran and edoxaban) 19. Any other significant
disease, disorder or finding which may significantly increase the risk to the
volunteer because of participation in the study, affect the ability of the volunteer
to participate in the study or impair interpretation of the study data.
Fundacion Huesped
Caba, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Centro de Estudio Infectologicos (CEI)
Capital Federal, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Helios Salud
Capital Federal, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Hospital Fernandez
Capital Federal, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Pedro E Cahn, MD;PhD
(5411) 49817777
Pedro Cahn, MD:PhD, Principal Investigator
fundacion huesped