Study Design: This is a double-blind, placebo-controlled, Phase 3 clinical efficacy studyevaluating NONS in adult volunteers as a treatment for high-risk asymptomatic andsymptomatic individuals with mild COVID-19 infection. thru facility).
Study Design: This is a double-blind, placebo-controlled, Phase 3 clinical efficacy study
evaluating NONS in adult volunteers as a treatment for high-risk asymptomatic and
symptomatic individuals with mild COVID-19 infection.
Drug: to be given as a treatment
Nitric Oxide Nasal Spray "Enovid"
Inclusion Criteria:
- Inclusion Criteria:
- 18 years and above.
- COVID-19 infection Confirmed with a laboratory SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR nasal swab or
antigen test. COVID-19 test specimen must be collected 48 hours prior to Screenings.
- Mild COVID-19 Infection defined as:
- No Pneumonia (negative by chest auscultation or Chest X Ray).
- No Shortness of breath.
- No Tachypnea (respiratory rate <20 breathes/min)
- No Hypoxia (Oxygen saturation >93% on RA)
- Fever <38 degrees.
- No Chest Pain.
- No Mental Status Change.
- Asymptomatic participants must be high risk defined as (any of the following):
- Smokers (at least 5 cigarettes per day)
- BMI (> 40 kg/m2)
- History of cardiac or chronic lung disease
- Clotting predisposing conditions (hemophilia, von Willebrand's disease)
- Sickle cell disease
- Immunocompromised such as HIV , cancer , on immunosuppressant medications
Exclusion Criteria:
- Participants diagnosed with another (non-COVID-19) respiratory infection.
- Participants with a current tracheostomy or laryngectomy.
- Participants who are receiving concomitant respiratory therapy such as oxygen,
positive airway pressure or ventilatory support. NOTE: Positive airway pressure for
obstructive sleep apnea is permitted if the treatment was established with good
compliance for at least 3 months before study enrollment.
- Participants with newly diagnosed illnesses that are not deemed stable by the
participant's primary care physician), based on Investigator assessment of medical
history during Screening.
- Participants who use intranasally dosed drugs, prescriptions or over-the-counter
medications such as fluticasone.
- Participants who need hospitalization for reasons other than COVID-19 infection.
- Participants who are unable to safely self-administer the nasal spray as directed.
- Clinical signs indicative of moderate, severe, or critical COVID severity symptoms
(requirement for supplemental oxygen, limitation of activities due to COVID-19
- Females who are breastfeeding, pregnant, or attempting to become pregnant.
- Participants who have experienced symptoms of COVID-19 for more than 7 days prior to
- Participants who have any other condition that, in the opinion of the Investigator,
would interfere with a participant's ability to adhere to the protocol (eg,
participants who are mentally or neurologically disabled and who are considered not
fit for their participation in the study), interfere with assessment of the
investigational product, or compromise the safety of the participant, or the quality
of the data.
Abdulla Kanoo Center,
A'ali, Building 556, Bahrain
Investigator: reem j ahmed
Contact: 0097333731313
jameela m alsalman, MD
Mariam alalawi, md