Official Title
Persistent Cardiovascular Effects of COVID-19 Viral Infection Trial (PERCEIVE): A Randomised Controlled Trial of the Role of Optimal Cardioprotection Strategies to Prevent Heart Failure
Brief Summary

This is a prospective study in which a process of identifying and improving a reductionof functional capacity in COVID-19 survivors >50 years old.The overall goal of this study to identify the feasibility and value of risk-guidedmedical therapy and exercise intervention in COVID-19 survivors.

Detailed Description

Participants enrolled in this study will be randomized to a cardio-COVID disease
management plan (CC-DMP) that involves the use of VO2 testing and surveillance imaging to
detect reduced functional capacity and subclinical left ventricular dysfunction (LVD),
clinical review to ensure optimal risk factor control and cardio-protection and exercise
intervention. The program will be delivered over a period of 24 months.

The outcome from this study will show that subclinical LVD is common among COVID-19
survivors, and a CC-DMP is feasible in reducing HF risk factors in this sub group of

Heart Failure

Other: Heart Failure intervention (Cardiac COVID Disease Management Plan (CC-DMP)

A clinical review to ensure optimal risk factor control and cardioprotection along with
exercise intervention.

Other: Usual care

This will be provided by participants' usual healthcare professional(s).

Eligibility Criteria

Inclusion Criteria:

1. History of COVID-19 infection

2. Live within a geographically accessible area for follow-up

Exclusion Criteria:

1. Valvular stenosis or regurgitation of >moderate severity

2. History of previous heart failure (baseline New York Heart Association (NYHA)
classification >2)

3. Inability to acquire interpretable images (identified from baseline echo)

4. Contraindications to beta blockers or angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors

5. Oncologic (or other) life expectancy <12 months or any other medical condition
(including pregnancy) that results in the belief (deemed by the Chief Investigators)
that it is not appropriate for the patient to participate in this trial

6. Already taking both angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors/ angiotensin receptor
blockers and beta blockers, or intolerance (or allergy) to both.

7. Mobility impairment that would impact participants' ability to perform exercise

8. Unable to provide written informed consent to participate in this study

Eligibility Gender
Eligibility Age
Minimum: 50 Years ~ Maximum: 85 Years

Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Investigator: Thomas Marwick
Contact: +61385321550


Joel Smith, MSc

Thomas H Marwick, MD,PhD,MPH

Thomas H Marwick, MD,PhD,MPH, Principal Investigator
Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute

Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute
NCT Number
heart failure
MeSH Terms
Virus Diseases
Heart Failure