Official Title
Pediatric Virtual Visits as a Strategy for Access to Care During the COVID-19 Pandemic in a Pediatric Hospital. Missed Appointments Rates, Associated Factors, Generation and Validation of Predictive Models
Brief Summary

In this study we will describe the factors associated with missed virtual visit appointments in an academic children´s hospital during the covid-19 pandemic and we will develop a predictive model that serves as the basis for improving the Telehealth Program.

Detailed Description

Pediatric visits are a fundamental axis of health policies because actions to promote and
protect health have a maximum effect on children. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic a marked
decrease in pediatric visits was observed in scheduled and on-call visits. This fact can be
explained by the restriction on people's circulation necessary to contain COVID-19
dissemination. In this context, the population that attends the Hospital General de Niños
Pedro de Elizalde was especially affected, since 91% of the patients attending the
institution live in another district.

In order to overcome this barrier in access to care, we decided to implement a Telehealth
Program that uses virtual visits as a tool for access to care. Little is known about the
effects that these programs can have on patients with exclusive public health coverage.
Although virtual visits could be a solution for access to care in an oversaturated system,
there is the possibility that virtual visits could not be carried out and that a significant
proportion will be lost, increasing inequity and difficulties in access to health.

Due to the relevance of the topic and the little information available, we propose in this
study to estimate the proportion of virtual visits appointments lost. On the other hand,
considering the possibility of avoiding the loss of virtual visits appointments, we propose
to describe the factors associated with missed appointments and develop a predictive model
that serves as the basis for improving the Telehealth Program.

Eligibility Criteria

Inclusion Criteria:

- All scheduled virtual visits

Exclusion Criteria:

- On-call virtual visits

Eligibility Gender
Eligibility Age
Minimum: 1 Month ~ Maximum: 18 Years

Hospital General de Niños Pedro de Elizalde
Buenos Aires, Argentina

Mariano E Ibarra, MD, Principal Investigator
Hospital General de Niños Pedro de Elizalde

Hospital General de Niños Pedro de Elizalde
NCT Number
virtual visit
Lost appointments
MeSH Terms