The nutritional consequences of the infection by the SARS-CoV-2 are as follows: - A severe respiratory infection induces an inflammatory syndrome and hypercatabolism, as well as an increase in energy expenditure related to ventilatory work; nutritional requirements (calories and protein) are therefore increased. - Food intake is often reduced by several factors: anorexia secondary to infection, respiratory discomfort, anosmia, ageusia, obesity, stress, confinement, organizational problems limiting meal assistance. Then, it is important to asses the nutritional status of COVID patients hospitalized in conventional COVID units (excluding intensive care).
Other: Nutritional assessment
Nutritional assessment in COVID patients
Inclusion Criteria:
- Patient on conventional hospitalization (duration less than 72 hours)
- Age > 18 years old
- COVID 19 diagnosed by Real Time Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR)
- Patient agreed to participate in the study
- Patient affiliated to French social security
Exclusion Criteria:
- Patient hospitalized in intensive care units during more than 72 hours
Saint-Vincent Hospital
Lille, Haut-de-France, France
Arnaud Cortet, MD, Principal Investigator