Describe the main clinical features impacting the food intake, and therefore the nutritional status of a population infected by a coronavirus.
The recent Covid-19 outbreak has brought USA, European, British and French nutrition learned
societies to publish recommendations for the nutritional management of patients infected with
the SARS-CoV-2. They reminded that there is a risk of malnutrition for that population.
The emergency and rapid evolution in the situation have led to severe cases of anosmia,
ageusia, diarrhea, odynophagia, anorexia etc.. Some of the first patients cured from Covid-19
have lost up to 10 kgs.
To this day, there is no available information regarding either nutritional characteristics
or nutritional interventions (enteral or parenteral nutrition, oral nutritional supplements,
dietary supplementations) for Covid-19 patients.
The objective of this study is to describe nutritional consequences of the Covid-19 infection
for adults, 30 days after their discharge from hospital, as well as the nutritional care they
Type and proportion of chronic diseases will be assessed in this trial.
Other: Interview
A survey was created, aiming to collect information about prior history of chronic disease, the Self-Evaluation of Food Intake, dysregulations (anosmia, ageusia...), anthropometric data, food data during and after hospitalisation, healthcare consumption since the discharge from hospital
Inclusion Criteria:
- 30 days or more after discharge from hospital for Covid-19
- Patient received information about the trial and gave his/her consent
- Patient capable of answering the phone (alone or with some help)
Exclusion Criteria:
- Patient diseased
- impossibility to collect information from the patient or one of his/her relatives
- Patient protected by the French Public Health Code (art. L1121-5 à L1121-8)
Marie-France VAILLANT
Grenoble, France
Marie-France VAILLANT, PhD, Principal Investigator
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Grenoble Alpes