Official Title
Disinfection of SARS-COV-2 ( COVID-19 ) in Human Respiratory Tract by Controlled Ethanol Vapor Inhalation Combined With Oral Asprin .
Brief Summary

Since ARDS is a major complication of COVID - 19 with subsequent formation of non-cardiogenic pulmonary edema , worsening the oxygenation of the patients and foamy and even bloody sputum formation, so the idea is to use alcohol inhalation as it reduce surface tension on the alveoli and markedly decrease sputum formation with improvement on oxygenation beside its cytolethal effect on virus lipid bilayer. A lot of researches and publications proved the role of alcohol inhalation in treatment of pulmonary edema. Alcohol inhalation may has inflammatory effect and dangerous effect on patients but this can be controlled by the actual concentration used and the way we use it according to general condition of the patient and with the help of anti - inflammatory action of Asprin .

Detailed Description

Corona viruses can cause diseases in both animals and humans. Many of them typically infect
upper respiratory tract with minor symptoms. However, three corona viruses can infect lower
respiratory tract and cause fatal pneumonia; which are severe acute respiratory syndrome
corona virus (SARS-CoV), Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) and (
SARS-CoV-2). SARS-CoV-2 shares 78% similarity of genetic material with SARS-CoV.

Pathophysiology of both viruses are closely similar, with destructive inflammatory response
resulting in airway damage. That's why, disease severity in patients depends, not only on the
viral infection, but also on the host response.

In many cases, this will resolve the infection. However, in other cases, immune response
dysfunctions and causes severe lung and systemic pathology ending to ARDS and respiratory
failure .

Treatment according to this protocol will be focused on using Asprin to decrease inflammatory
reaction weather from the virus or after using alcohol.

Alcohol will be used by different methods and concentration in order to decrease surface
tension on alveoli , decreasing foamy sputum secretion , increasing vascular permeability and
improving oxygenation .

Also the investigator will use it as a prophylaxis for health care workers to disinfect the
virus as soon as possible while it is present in nasal mucosa and upper airway.

Patients will be classified according to inclusion and exclusion criteria and will be divided
into groups and they will receive the protocol as it is designed in concentrations and
techniques suitable for their medical condition .

In this trial , The investigator will use 4 method to administrate Ethyl Alcohol to the
patient by different concentrations .

1. Inhaling alcohol vapor through nostrils .

2. Inhalation of Alcohol vapor driven by Oxygen .

3. Inhalation of Alcohol vapor driven by oxygen in case of ARDS.

4. Ethyl Alcohol infusion into the airway . In each method , the patient will be prepared
for one day before starting the protocol by prophylactic antibiotic , anti -
inflammatory , mucolytic and bronchodilators .

Investigations will be made before starting for follow up of the results .

Unknown status
Drug Effect

Drug: Ethanol with Asprin

Group ( A ) which will receive the new protocol will be categorized into sub-groups according to the medical conditions , inclusion criteria , investigations and symptoms .
Inhaling alcohol vapor through nostrils .
Inhalation of Alcohol vapor driven by Oxygen .
Inhalation of Alcohol vapor driven by oxygen in case of ARDS.
Ethyl Alcohol infusion into the airway . Investigations will be made before starting the protocol and follow up data will be collected every day .
Follow up test will be done according to the schedule . PCR test will be done according to the duration of each technique to evaluate the final results .
Other Name: Controlled ethanol vapor inhalation combined with oral Asprin .

Eligibility Criteria

Inclusion Criteria:

- Age from 20 - 60

- Confirmed COVID-19 positive with PCR test .

- Admitted to Mansoura university quarantine hospital ..

- Fever ≥ 38

- Respiratory rate ≥ 20

- Myalgia , Arthralgia and Sore throat .

- Radiological findings consisting with COVID-19 .

- Welling to participate and able to give fully informed consent. Specific inclusion
criteria according to the concentration and method :-

- Inhalation of Alcohol vapor driven by Oxygen Respiratory distress ( Dyspnea -
Orthopnea ) Spo2 : 65 - 85 ABG : Respiratory Alkalosis due to dyspnea and
tachypnea PaO2 / FIO2 ratio > 300 mmHg under the condition in the hospital room
(Moderate illness).

- Inhalation of Alcohol vapor driven by oxygen in case of ARDS. Respiratory failure
. CT : lobar collapse and nodules Non cardiogenic pulmonary edema excluded by
ECHO or signs of overload . PaO2 / FIO2 ratio 101 - 300 mmHg on CPAP or Vent . (
Mild to moderate ARDS)

- Ethyl Alcohol infusion into the airway PaO2 / FIO2 ratio ≤ 100 mmHg ( Sever ARDS

Exclusion Criteria:

- Absence of any item from inclusion criteria

- Pregnancy .

- Signs of dehydration , Sepsis or shortness of breathing.

- Asthmatic patients .

- COPD .

- Smokers ≥ 10 years .

- Hypersensitivity to Alcohol

Eligibility Gender
Eligibility Age
Minimum: 20 Years ~ Maximum: 60 Years


Mansoura University
NCT Number
Clinical Trial
Ethyl alcohol vapor inhalation
MeSH Terms
Respiratory Aspiration