Official Title
Mental Health Support for SickKids Children and Families During COVID-19 Using Established eHealth Interventions
Brief Summary

Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and associated emergency measures (EM) havedramatically impacted the lives of children/adolescents (children) and families. Theclosure of schools, social and recreational activities, and modifications to workenvironments has led to significant changes in the way children and families are working,living and socializing. Although the impact on the mental health of children and familieshas not been well researched, it is anticipated that already stressed children andfamilies with pre-COVID-19 mental health challenges are at significant risk fordeterioration in their mental health. As such, the implementation, and evaluation(specifically: feasibility, acceptability and barriers) of virtual-care interventions toalleviate child and family anxiety and enhance family functioning are critical.Virtual-care also optimizes health equity initiatives in reducing social, economic andenvironmental barriers to services that can improve or maintain mental health (WHO, 2017;MOHLTC, 2018).The current study will evaluate an adapted virtual-care cognitive behavioural therapy(CBT) program for children with anxiety (VC-CBT). CBT has a strong evidence-base intreating children with anxiety disorders (Higa-McMillan, Francis, Rith-Najarian, andChorpita, 2016; Seligman and Ollendick, 2011), with increasing evidence supporting theefficacy of virtual-care CBT for childhood anxiety disorders (Carpenter, Pincus, Furr,and Comer, 2018; Slone, Reese, and McClellan, 2012). This study aims to evaluate thefeasibility, participation barriers related to social determinants of health (SDH) andacceptability of this virtual-care intervention in addressing mental health challengesassociated with the COVID-19 pandemic and ensuing EM in the immediate time-period. Earlyevaluation of this virtual-care intervention will enable future scale-up of thisintervention during the post-pandemic recovery time-period and during subsequent COVID-19waves, if necessary.

Detailed Description

Study Design: This is a pragmatic prospective pre-post feasibility study to assess
whether virtual-care delivery of mental health interventions are acceptable and feasible
with regard to recruitment and retention, participation barriers (inclusive of SDH
barriers), child and parent acceptability, and adherence. Targeted symptoms of the
intervention (e.g., child anxiety) will be evaluated as secondary outcomes to gather
preliminary data on efficacy.

Estimated Sample Size: In this first feasibility phase, participants will include
children referred for treatment to Psychiatry. For the purpose of this pragmatic trial,
we aim to recruit 20 participants for this intervention. According to Hertzog, a sample
size of 20 participants is adequate for pilot studies to examine intervention feasibility
and to develop estimates of variance to compute power for larger studies (Hertzog, 2008).

Data Analyses: Data for demographic variables will be summarized using counts,
percentages, measures of central tendency (mean, median, and mode) and measures of sample
variation (standard deviation, range). Parametric statistics (mean, standard deviation)
will be used for interval and ratio data. To assess the feasibility and acceptability of
this intervention, results will include analyses of recruitment, social determinant
barriers and adherence rates and responses to satisfaction/evaluation and alliance
scales. Pre-post analysis will also include comparing mean changes in COVID specific
distress, and intervention specific comparisons of child anxiety.

Knowledge Translation: Our integrated Knowledge-to-action (iKTA) approach has involved
family, clinician and scientist engagement from the outset and will continue to do so.
Participants will receive updates through e-newsletters and information through email.
Knowledge gained will be presented at conferences and publications to further the impact
of generating future hypothesis-driven research and funding support.

Unknown status
Anxiety Disorder of Childhood or Adolescence

Behavioral: Virtual-Care Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

The feasibility, participation barriers, and acceptability of the intervention,
virtual-care cognitive behavioural therapy (VC-CBT), will be evaluated for children with
anxiety. The VC-CBT protocol will involve 12 sessions (of one hour in duration) delivered
by a CBT therapist using PHIPA (Personal Health Information Protection Act) compliant
Zoom. An initial session will review therapy goals and psychoeducation about anxiety.
Sessions 2 and 3 will focus on feeling identification and will introduce relaxation
strategies. Sessions 4 and 5 will introduce cognitive distortions and restructuring
strategies. Sessions 6 and 7 will introduce exposure tasks. Sessions 8 to 11 will involve
practicing cognitive restructuring skills and completing exposures. The final session
will review relapse prevention. Parents will participate in the first and last sessions,
as well as join at the end of each session for a brief review of the skills learned
during the session.

Eligibility Criteria

Inclusion Criteria:

- Ages 12 to 17 years old

- Meet criteria for anxiety disorder as primary diagnosis

- Parent(s)/primary caregiver(s) and children both proficient in English

Exclusion Criteria:

- Diagnosis of developmental delay

- Severity of comorbid psychopathology (e.g., bipolar disorder, psychosis) prohibits
CBT as first-line treatment

- Lack of fluency in English (for parent(s)/primary caregiver(s) and/or children)

Eligibility Gender
Eligibility Age
Minimum: 12 Years ~ Maximum: 17 Years

The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids)
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Suneeta Monga, MD, FRCPC, Principal Investigator
The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids)

The Hospital for Sick Children
NCT Number
anxiety disorder
cognitive behavioural therapy
Mental Health
MeSH Terms
Anxiety Disorders