The investigators hypothesize that those with respiratory failure due to COVID-19 willhave different burdens of mental and physical disability than those with respiratoryfailure who do not have COVID-19. Detecting these potential differences will lay animportant foundation for treating long term sequelae of respiratory failure in these twocohorts.
The aim of this proposal to is to understand the extent and degree of physical
disability, psychological sequelae, and cognitive dysfunction survivors of COVID-19
related critical illness will have upon hospital discharge, 6 months, and up to one year
post discharge. These outcomes of interest will be evaluated prospectively. The
investigators will perform these measures in Covid-19 patients with respiratory failure
and compare them to non-Covid-19 patients with respiratory failure. The investigators
also seek to determine the risk factors of these long-term complications in order to
guide providers as to which patients should be screened for these deficits. Finally, the
investigators will examine the association of various critical care interventions such as
invasive versus noninvasive mechanical ventilation or use of sedatives and their effects
on disability and cognitive dysfunction.
Other: Quality of Life
Physical disability assessment tool
Other Name: SF-36
Other: Impact Event Score
Psychological Sequelae assessment tool
Other Name: IES-R
Other: Hospital anxiety and depression scale
Psychological Sequelae assessment tool
Inclusion Criteria:
- adult patients admitted to the ICU
Exclusion Criteria:
- none
University of Chicago Medical Center
Chicago, Illinois, United States