Official Title
The Efficacy of Levamisole and Isoprinosine in the Treatment of COVID19: A Proposed Therapeutic Trial
Brief Summary

The use of both levamisole & Isoprinosine has both synergistic and complementary effect in the treatment of COVID 19 infection

Detailed Description

Study design: Randomized controlled trial, randomization by closed envelope technique
Informed consent will be written for each patient of either group

At the beginning of the study all patients will have the following investigations done: CBC
with differential, ESR, PCR for COVID 19, D dimer and CT chest and confirmed cases will
included in the study

Pregnant and lactating women together with children with other comorbidities will be excluded
from the study

Study groups:

Duration of the study is 4 weeks

Both groups with persistent COVID 19 symptoms that require hospitalization

Group 1: 30 patients with confirmed COVID19 infection and sharing clinical features like
fever, malaise, sore throat, runny nose, persistent cough &dyspnea, requiring hospitalization

Group 2: control group: 30 patients

Treatment endpoint • Cure of patients: Improvement of symptoms Laboratory findings ESR and
total leucocytic count returning to normal PCR negative Radiological improvement

• Worsening of symptoms or fatalities

Unknown status
Respiratory Tract Infections

Drug: Levamisole and isoprinosine

oral tablets levamisole 50 mg 3 times daily every other day for 2 weeks Isoprinosine oral tablets 1 g 4 times daily for 2 weeks
Other Name: ketrax and inosiplex

Drug: Azithromycin and hydroxychloroquine

oral tablets daily 500 mg azithromycin Oral tablets daily 200 mg hydroxychloroquine twice daily
Other Name: Zithromax and plaquinel

Eligibility Criteria

Inclusion Criteria:

- Confirmed COVID 19 infection (positive PCR, elevated ESR, leucopenia)

- Clinical picture of COVID 19 infection including fever, malaise, sore throat,
coughing, dyspnea, and runny nose

Exclusion Criteria:

- Mild cases of COVID 19 that do not require hospitalization

- Pregnant & lactating women

- Children with other comorbidities

- People who received previous treatment for COVID 19 in the last 2 weeks N.B. Diabetes
and hypertension not excluded

Eligibility Gender
Eligibility Age
Minimum: 6 Years ~ Maximum: 90 Years

Hagar El Sayed, MD

Mohamed El Darouti, Professor

Mohamed El Darouti, Professor, Principal Investigator
Cairo University

Cairo University
NCT Number
MeSH Terms
Respiratory Tract Infections
Inosine Pranobex