Official Title
An Open-label Multicenter Randomized Trial to Evaluate the Efficacy of Bioven, Manufactured by Biopharma Plasma, LLC, in Complex Therapy of Patients With Pneumonia Induced by COVID-19 / SARS-CoV-2
Brief Summary

Pneumonia caused by coronavirus infection COVID-19 is characterized by a combination of several dangerous factors that consistently worsen the patient's condition: viral lung damage early in the disease; a sharp increase in inflammation on the background of an unbalanced immune response ("cytokine storm"); joining a bacterial infection. The condition of patients deteriorates significantly mostly at cytokine storm development. The damaging of a large volume of lung tissue leads to develops of respiratory failure, respiratory distress syndrome, or shock. Ventilatory support becomes ineffective and patients die. There are reports of the effectiveness of Human Normal Immunoglobulin for Intravenous Administration (IVIG) high doses when used as part of complex therapy in patients with pneumonia caused by coronavirus COVID-19. In particular, IVIG has a positive effect on survival rates, overall disease course, duration of stay in the intensive care unit, and ventilatory support duration. The probable mechanism of action of high-dose IVIG therapy is considered to be a regulatory effect on the immune system. Similar is the known and confirmed effectiveness of IVIG for autoimmune diseases (Kavasaky disease, Guillain Barre syndrome, Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy, Multifocal motor neuropathy). This trial to assesses the Efficacy of IVIG (medication trade name - Bioven, manufactured by Biopharma Plasma LLC) in the High Immunomodulatory Dose in Complex Treatment of Severe Pneumonia Caused by COVID-19 / SARS-CoV-2

Detailed Description

The screening stage:

The patient or his legal representative must sign an informed consent. After signing the
informed consent, the screening tests&procedures are performed and the compliance with the
inclusion / non-inclusion criteria is assessed.

For patients who have been screened and meet the inclusion criteria and do not fall under the
exclusion criteria, a blinded randomization procedure is provided.

Randomization is performed by the IVRS method, according to the blinded-block patient's
randomization table.

The clinical stage of the trial:

Begins after patient randomization. At the clinical stage, among other things, provides:

- Determination of the individual dose of the study drug (in the study group)

- Administration of the drug (in the study group)

- Registration of adverse events

- registration of information about taking antiviral drugs for the treatment of COVID-19;

- registration of information on symptomatic therapy and administration of drugs for the
treatment of comorbidities;

- measurement of vital signs (blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate, body

- Determination of SPO2 level

- Determining the need for ventilation

- Determining the need for intensive care

- Assessment of compliance with the exclusion criteria

Patients in the Control Group will receive therapy recommended by the COVID-19 coronavirus
infection treatment protocol, depending on the severity of their condition according to the
prescribing list, which will not include immunoglobulin preparations.

Patients of the Study Group (IVIG) receive high-dose therapy with the study drug (Bioven, 10%
solution for infusions produced by Biopharma Plasma LLC, Ukraine). The dose is calculated by
body weight. Patients will also receive therapy recommended by the COVID-19 coronavirus
infection treatment protocol, depending on the severity of their condition according to the
prescribing list.

Bioven administered intravenously, at an initial rate of 0.5 - 1.0 ml/kg body weight/hour for
30 minutes. In the absence of any undesirable side effects, the rate of administration can be
gradually increased (recommended increase by 0.5 - 1.5 ml/kg body weight/hour every 10
minutes). According to results previously accomplished clinical studies, the maximum rate of
Bioven administration is up to 8.5 ml/kg body weight/hour.

Observation and completion stage:

Begins and continues from the last administration of the study drug until the discharge of
the patient from the hospital, but not less than 28 days from the confirmation of the
diagnosis of pneumonia caused by coronavirus infection COVID-19.

The following procedures are provided at the stage:

- registration of information about taking antiviral drugs for the treatment of COVID-19;

- registration of information on symptomatic therapy and administration of drugs for the
treatment of comorbidities;

- measurement of vital signs (blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate, body

- determination of SPO2 level

- registration of the results of the examination of the lungs by computed tomography (or

- taking biomaterials for laboratory research:

- general blood test (erythrocytes, hemoglobin, expanded leukocyte formula, platelets,

- general analysis of urine;

- biochemical analysis of blood;

- state of the coagulation system

- determination of inflammatory factors in the dynamics (CRP, ferritin, procalcitonin;
TNF-α), IL-1-beta, IL-6, complement component C3 (C3), circulating immune complexes
(CIC), etc.),

- determination of IgG subclasses (G1, G2, G3, G4,);

- Determining the need for ventilation

- Determining the need for intensive care

- Adverse reactions registration

- Assessment of compliance with the exclusion criteria

The patient's condition is assessed daily till discharge; and by schedule after discharge (if
it happen earlier), during 28 days period after diagnosis of severe pneumonia caused by
coronavirus infection COVID-19 In case of death of the patient - the date and cause of death
are fixed. The results of the study are evaluated by endpoints.


Drug: IVIG

Patients in the study group receive the drug Bioven, 10% solution for infusions produced by LLC Biopharma Plasma 0,8-1,0 g/kg once a day for 2 days (total course dose - 1.6-2.0 g/kg) as well as base treatment recommended by the protocol of COVID-19 coronavirus infection treatment depending on the severity of their condition according to the prescription sheet.
Other Name: Array

Eligibility Criteria

Inclusion Criteria:

- Men and women 18 years of age and older;

- COVID-19 documentary confirmed by PCR lab test;

- severe pneumonia caused by COVID-19 according to the criteria below:

- - fever or suspicion of respiratory infection;

- - the number of respiratory movements 30 per 1 min and above;

- - severe respiratory failure or SpO2 <90% with spontaneous breathing indoors;

- - the presence of foci of inflammation in the lungs according to the results of
computed tomography, which is documented.

- or if any of the conditions listed below have developed on the background of
previously diagnosed coronavirus pneumonia:

- - severe respiratory failure required mechanical ventilation (ALV);

- - acute respiratory distress syndrome according to WHO diagnostic criteria
(development within one week after the manifestation of disease clinical
symptoms or emergence of new ones or deterioration of respiratory syndromes.
Chest visualization (lung X-ray, CT or ultrasound); bilateral opacities not
fully explaining the gravity of condition or lung collapse or nodules);

- - sepsis according to WHO diagnostic criteria (life-threatening organ
dysfunction caused by disturbance of host reaction to suspected or proven
infection. The features of organ dysfunction include the following: mental
change, labored or shallow breathing, low oxygenation, oliguria or anuria,
rapid heart palpitation, weak pulse, cold extremities or low blood pressure,
skin blotching or lab-proven coagulopathy, thrombocytopenia, acidosis, high
level of lactic acid or hyperbilirubinemia);

- - endotoxic shock according to WHO diagnostic criteria (persisting
hypotension despite extensive resuscitation requiring vasoconstrictors for
maintaining mean arterial pressure ≥ 65 mmHg and serum lactate level > 2

- the signed patient's informed consent to participation in the trial;

- the negative pregnancy test (for female patients of reproductive age), readiness to
use reliable contraception methods during the whole duration of the trial.

- the ability, according to the researcher, to follow all requirements of the research

- this study allows you to take into account the results of examinations related to the
disease, conducted within 10 days before signing the Informed Consent. Such data are
transferred from the primary documentation to the CRF.

Exclusion Criteria:

- known intolerance to plasma or immunoglobulin drugs;

- drug allergy or hypersensitization to immunoglobulin drugs;

- any known counter-indication to immunoglobulin drugs according to the instruction for
medical application of the tested drug;

- pneumonia not associated with COVID-19 infection;

- pregnancy, lactation period;

- any clinically significant impairment of liver function (elevation of serum
transaminase levels more than 3 times the upper limit of normal);

- serum creatinine levels more than 2 times the upper limit of normal for a given age
and gender;

- established diagnosis of primary immunodeficiency;

- verified HIV-infection;

- immune diseases (blood immune diseases, rheumatic diseases, nephritis, etc.)

- severe cardiovascular failure (Stage III);

- mental illness in anamnesis;

- the need for prescribing medicines or procedures that are incompatible with the
administration of the drug within the scope of this study: monoclonal antybodies;

- known drug addiction;

- participation in any other clinical trial presently or within the last 30 days.

Eligibility Gender
Eligibility Age
Minimum: 18 Years ~ Maximum: N/A

Site 08 - "Central City Clinical Hospital of Ivano-Frankivsk City Council"
Ivano-Frankivs'k, Ivano-Frankivs'k Region, Ukraine

Site 02 - "Bila Tserkva City Hospital №3"
Bila Tserkva, Kyiv Region, Ukraine

Site 03 - "Lviv Regional Infectious Diseases Clinical Hospital"
Lviv, Lviv Region, Ukraine

Site 04 - "City Clinical Infectious Diseases Hospital", Odesa
Odesa, Odesa Region, Ukraine

Site 07 - "Ternopil City Municipal Ambulance Hospital"
Ternopil', Ternopil' Region, Ukraine

Site 06 - "Vinnytsia City Clinical Hospital №1"
Vinnitsia, Vinnitsia Region, Ukraine

Site 09 - "Volyn Regional Clinical Hospital"
Luts'k, Volyn Region, Ukraine

Site 01 - "Kyiv City Clinical Hospital №17"
Kyiv, Ukraine

Site 05 - "Kyiv City Clinical Hospital №4"
Kyiv, Ukraine

Biopharma Plasma LLC
NCT Number
Immunoglobulin for Intravenous Administration
MeSH Terms