Preliminary reports have been received from several sources that the periodic inhaling ofthe nebulized mist from water that has a heightened level of kinetic activity has quickly(less than 2 days) lessened the severity of symptoms in Covid-19 infected patients. On atleast several occasions, a repeat PCR test performed several after inhaling a particularwater-based product was negative. There are no perceived adverse effects from inhalingthe water mist by using a nebulizer or humidifier. It is important, however, to validatethese preliminary findings and to include the inhaling of the mist from water, which doesnot have an elevated level of kinetic activity. This will be by performed in apatient-blinded manner by sequentially inhaling the two types of water over consecutive2-day periods with Covid-19 testing at the end of each of the two day periods.Participants will be randomized as to whether they are to inhale the mist from the testor the control water.
Several producers of activated water have been in frequent communication with the
Principal Investigator (PI) over the last decade or longer. They have regularly supplied
their water products to the PI for laboratory testing, including measuring an activity
attributed to the absorption of an environmental force, referred to by the PI as KELEA,
an abbreviation for Kinetic Energy Limiting Electrostatic Attraction. KELEA is regarded
as the source of cellular energy for the body's alternative cellular energy (ACE)
pathway. This pathway can provide a non-immunological defense mechanism against
infections, presumably including coronaviruses. The proposed study is to test water
products from several suppliers, as well as a naturally available source of KELEA
activated water in symptomatic individuals who have tested positive by either PCR or
antigen testing for Covid-19. The mode of administration will be by inhalation using a
nebulizer or diffuser. Several deep inhalations will be taken on 5 occasions daily. Prior
to the first inhalation and at the end of the second day of inhalation, swabs will be
taken for Covid-19 PCR and/or antigen testing. Randomly allocated participants will
either blindly first test the KELEA excellerated water for two days, followed by using
water without an elevated level of KELEA and vice versa. The severity of symptoms will
also be monitored at the end of each of the two-days periods of inhalation.
Device: KELEA Excellerated Water
Water with increased kinetic activity as assessed by published methods of the PI
Other Name: KELEA Activated Water
Device: Water Without an Elevated Level of KELEA
Bottled water without an elevated level of KELEA, as shown by proprietary testing will be
provided as a control.
Other Name: Control Water
Inclusion Criteria: Individuals entering into quarantine because of a positive Covid-19
test using either PCR or an authorized antigen assay. It is not necessary, but
preferable, for the participant to be symptomatic for Covid-19 -
Exclusion Criteria: Unwilling to do repeat PCR and/or antigen testing or to provide the
results of the repeat testing or the requested clinical data
Institute of Progressive Medicine
South Pasadena, California, United States
W John Martin, MD, PhD, Principal Investigator
Medical Director