Official Title
Inhalation of Ciclesonide for Patients With COVID-19: A Randomised Open Treatment Study (HALT COVID-19)
Brief Summary

Randomized open label clinical trial carried out at study centers in Sweden, includingKarolinska University Hospital, S:t Göran Hospital, Danderyd Hospital and VästmanlandsHospital. Patients with COVID-19 who are hospitalized with oxygen therapy are eligiblefor inclusion. Subjects are randomized to 14 days of inhalation with ciclesonide 360 µgtwice daily or to standard of care. Primary outcome is duration of received supplementaloxygen therapy. Key secondary outcome is a composite outcome of death and receivedinvasive mechanical ventilation within 30 days.

Unknown status
Pneumonia, Viral

Drug: Ciclesonide Inhalation Aerosol

Ciclesonide 320 µg twice daily for 14 days.
Other Name: Alvesco

Eligibility Criteria

Inclusion criteria:

- Patients 18 years of age or older who have given their written consent to
participate in the study.

- Hospitalized and treated with oxygen for a maximum of 48 hours.

- Verified Covid-19: Positive sample for Sars-Cov2 RNA or a positive Sars-Cov2 antigen
test from the upper respiratory tract

- Receives oxygen treatment.

- Negative pregnancy test (women of childbearing potential)

- Willing to exercise contraception categorized as "very effective" according to the
Clinical Trial Facilitation Group during ongoing study treatment + 7 days (Appendix
2). (female research participant of childbearing potential)

Exclusion criteria:

- Pregnancy, breast-feeding or planned pregnancy.

- Hypersensitivity to ciclesonide or to any of the excipients.

- Concomitant medication with cortisone, ketoconazole, itraconazole, ritonavir or

- Treatment with> 8 l oxygen / min or supply of > 50% oxygen with nasal high-flow

- Ongoing palliative care or expected survival of less than 72 hours.

- Expected admission to the intensive care unit within 48 hours.

- Active or inactive pulmonary tuberculosis.

- Severe Liver Failure (Child-Pugh C)

- Diagnosed with pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) or fibrosis.

- Mental inability, reluctance or language difficulties that make it difficult to
understand the meaning of participating in the study.

- Participates in or has recently participated in a clinical trial in the last 30
days. Previous participation in this study.

Eligibility Gender
Eligibility Age
Minimum: 18 Years ~ Maximum: N/A

Södra Älvsborg hospital
Borås, Sweden

Danderyd Hospital
Danderyd, Sweden

Halmstad hospital
Halmstad, Sweden

Karlskoga Hospital
Karlskoga, Sweden

Capio S:t Görans Hospital
Stockholm, Sweden

Karolinska University Hospital Huddinge
Stockholm, Sweden

Visby Hospital
Visby, Sweden

Västmanland County Hospital Västerås
Västerås, Sweden

Växsjö Hospital
Växjö, Sweden

Örebro University Hospital
Örebro, Sweden

Östersund hospital
Östersund, Sweden

Ola Blennow, MD, PhD
NCT Number
Corona Virus
randomized controlled trial
Intervention study
MeSH Terms
Pneumonia, Viral