This study investigates the changes in practice by pulmonary procedural programs acrossthe United States as they faced the coronavirus pandemic. Information gathered from thisstudy may help guide pulmonary programs on a wider scale and improve their practice. Thestudy may also help researchers understand where they should focus research efforts tobetter respond to a pandemic in the future.
I. To assess how pulmonary medicine programs adapted their procedural practices and
techniques, ambulatory operations, and provider staffing in response to the
coronavirus-2019 (COVID-19) epidemic.
Participants complete survey over 5-10 minutes.
Other: Survey Administration
Complete survey
Inclusion Criteria:
- Pulmonologists that are members of the American Association of Bronchology and
Interventional Pulmonology (AABIP) and/or the American College of Chest Physicians
- These organizations were chosen because their member databases are composed of
pulmonologists in the United States (U.S.) that perform the pulmonary procedures
described in this survey. Letters of approval will be obtained from these
organizations and provided to the MD Anderson Institutional Review Board (IRB). Once
the MD Anderson IRB approves this survey study, the survey will be sent to the
relevant subcommittees of these organizations for their electronic dissemination to
their membership
Exclusion Criteria:
M D Anderson Cancer Center
Houston, Texas, United States
Investigator: Bruce F. Sabath
Contact: 240-476-8938
Investigator: Bruce F. Sabath
Jhankruti F Zaveri, MPH
(713) 745-2645
Bruce F Sabath, MD, Principal Investigator
M.D. Anderson Cancer Center