The unexpected onset of SARS-COV2 infection modified our practices, especially in routinemedicine. In order to reverse the epidemic curve of severe cases and slow the spread ofthe infection, confinement was generalized in France from March 13, 2020.Theserestrictive measures were imposed on anyone with symptoms compatible with the infection,with the exception of dyspnea and other criteria of severity. March 12, 2020 is thepivotal date when the management of COVID came to interfere with medical and healthcareorganizations. From this date, it is likely that some imaging or endoscopic exams havebeen de-scheduled for symptoms that are sometimes wrongly judged to be non-urgent andhave seen their numbers drop dramatically.Otherwise, concerning lung cancer, preventivemeasures have been extremely strengthened. For instance, it is recommended to delaysurgeries for localized tumors, to relieve or remove some chemotherapy or to deleteradiotherapy sessions deemed non-essential. However, symptoms that may initially beattributed to viral infection, such as cough, fever, fatigue, or chest pain may beclinical indicators of early-stage Lung cancer. In addition, lung cancer is likely tomake the patient more susceptible to pneumopathy, due to a weakened of immune response toviruses and bacteria. Consequently, as necessary as the restriction measures are, a riskof slowing down in the management of the Lung cancer pathology exists.The CBP-COVID Study intends to assess consequences of restrictive measures linked to theSARS-COV2 epidemic, by comparing clinical characteristics at diagnosis, treatment timesand treatments, regarding to 2 distinct time periods identical to the calendar, but onein 2019, the other in 2020.
Inclusion Criteria:
- Patient newly diagnosed with a lung cancer based on histological or cytological
- Patient followed by investigating site participating in the study.
- Patient informed verbally and by an information document specifying the interest of
the study and having given his oral agreement for the participation for the
prospective part of the study.
Exclusion Criteria:
- Patient investigated and / or monitored in a site not involved in the study.
- Patient with lung cancer of incidental finding during hospitalization for another
- Patient with recurrence of a previoulsy known lung cancer.
- Patient included in a clinical research trial.
Centre Hospitalier Du Mans
Le Mans, France
Investigator: Christelle JADEAU
Contact: +33244710781
Investigator: Olivier MOLINIER, MD
+33 2 43 43 43 43 - 37482
+33 2 43 43 43 43