Official Title
A Phase II Trial Assessing Immunogenicity and Safety of SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine mRNA-1273 in Volunteers Aged of 65 Years or More Compared to Participants 18-45 Years Old
Brief Summary

This study aims to evaluate the immunogenicity of Moderna mRNA-1273 vaccine in volunteers aged 65 years or more compared to volunteers aged 18-45 years, over 24 months duration. It will provide necessary data on the early immunological response to the vaccine and its evolution in quantitative and qualitative terms. This study will allow establishing how aging influences the response to the vaccine and help to adapt the vaccinal plan. For instance it will suggest the necessity of a vaccination booster.

Detailed Description

Phase II, comparative, non-randomized trial assessing the immunogenicity and safety of
vaccine candidate Moderna-1273 against SARS-CoV-2. A total of 180 volunteers will be included
and vaccinated (2 doses, at day 1 and day 29), divided in 3 groups (60 volunteers 18 - 45
years old, 60 volunteers 65 - 74 years old, 60 volunteers at least 75 years old). Vaccinated
volunteers of the three arms will be immune-monitored during 24 months via a battery of in
vitro and ex vivo tests to comprehensively assess the course of humoral, cellular and mucosal
immunity over time.

Unknown status
Prevention of COVID19

Biological: mRNA-1273

SARS-CoV-2 vaccine

Eligibility Criteria

Inclusion Criteria:

1. At least 65 years old, at least 75 years old or 18 to 45 years old, depending on the
group of inclusion.

2. Healthy adults, or stable medical condition for adults with pre-existing medical
conditions. A stable medical condition is defined as disease not requiring significant
change in therapy or hospitalization for worsening disease during 3 months before
enrolment, nor expected to require any significant change in therapy or
hospitalization for worsening disease in foreseeable future.

3. Understands and agrees to comply with the study procedures (visits, phone calls) and
provides written free informed consent.

4. Able to comply with study procedures based on Investigator judgement.

5. Affiliated to a social security system, (except state medical aid)

Exclusion criteria:

1. Subject is ill or febrile (body temperature ≥ 38.0°C) within 72 prior hours or and/or
symptoms suggestive of COVID-19 within the past 14 days at enrolment visit.

(Ill or febrile participants may be re-scheduled within the inclusion period when no
longer presenting symptoms)

2. History of documented COVID-19 (PCR+, antigenic test+ or chest TDM+ or serology
SARS-CoV-2+) prior to first vaccine administration

3. Subjects with positive serology to SARS-CoV-2 at the enrolment visit

4. Subjects who already received another anti-SARS-CoV-2-vaccine

5. Subjects who received BCG given within the last year.

6. An immediate family member or household member of study staff.

7. Use of immunosuppressive drugs like e.g. corticosteroids at a dosage > 10mg/day
(excluding topical preparations and inhalers) within 3 months prior to enrolment or 6
months for chemotherapies

8. Received immunoglobulin or other blood product within 3 months prior to enrolment or
planned receipt of immunoglobulin or a blood product through study completion.

9. Received any vaccination within 4 weeks prior to first injection or plan to receive a
licensed vaccine 4 weeks after the last injection.

10. History of severe adverse reactions to vaccine administration, including anaphylaxis
and related symptoms, such as rush, respiratory difficulty, angioedema and abdominal
pain to vaccines, or history of allergic reaction likely to be exacerbated by any
component of the anti-SARS-CoV-2-vaccine.

11. History of severe allergic event

12. Participation in another investigational clinical study (Jardé 1 or Jardé 2) within 4
weeks before the enrolment visits or planned before the study completion.

13. Known HIV, active HCV or HBV infection

14. Any pathological condition, such as cancer, which may be susceptible of reducing
immunity response

15. Any bleeding disorder considered as contraindication to intramuscular injection or

16. The use of investigational Ig, investigational monoclonal antibodies or convalescent
serum are not allowed during the study

17. Any condition which in the opinion of the investigator may interfere with the aim of
the study

18. Pregnant or breastfeeding or positive pregnancy urine test at enrolment visit.

19. Woman in childbearing without efficacious contraception (in the opinion of the
investigator) for 31 days after treatment (2nd vaccine injection)

20. People under legal protection measure (tutorship, curatorship or safeguard measures)

Eligibility Gender
Eligibility Age
Minimum: 18 Years ~ Maximum: N/A

Odile LAUNAY, Professor
01 58 41 28 58

Jean Daniel LELIEVRE, Professor
01 49 81 24 09

Odile LAUNAY, Professor, Principal Investigator
Assistance Publique - Hôpitaux de Paris

Institut National de la Santé Et de la Recherche Médicale, France
NCT Number
Mucosal immunity
MeSH Terms