Official Title
Immune Status: Antibodies Against Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 in a Sample of the Eye Department (University Eye Hospital and Research Institute Tübingen)
Brief Summary

A sequential combination of different antibodies test against SARS-CoV-2 is evaluated. The protocol included a rapid test and several ELISA tests within a defined cohort of healthcare workers.

Detailed Description

In the current pandemic, the assessment of actual COVID-19 infections plays an important role
in the assessment of the risk and progress of the epidemic. Shortly, more and more rapid
tests will be available, the aim of which is to be able to obtain a good overview of the
immune status of corresponding samples in a timely manner.

Employees in the health sector are faced with additional challenges, not only due to the
tightened hygiene regulations. The concern about infecting other people and/or exposing
oneself to a relevant health risk is of great importance. A moderate to high transmission
risk can be assumed for ophthalmology. In view of older patients and sometimes unavoidable
proximity, targeted and reliable diagnostics can offer the potential to reduce the risk
potential for the current situation by determining antibodies.

A rapid diagnosis is not yet available outside of clinical studies, especially since deficits
in specificity (contact with other coronaviruses) are to be expected. Studies on the
serological reaction are not yet available for longer observation periods, but it can be
assumed that positive direct detection of IgG (Anti Sars-CV-2-ELISA; Euroimmun) is available
at the latest 3 weeks after the onset of symptoms. Without larger and representative
analyses, it is currently unclear whether seroconversion is associated with permanent
immunity or a lack of it leads to a possible susceptibility to reinfection. A combined test
procedure is therefore to be offered to employees within the framework of a random sample.

The query of anamnestic parameters allows the assignment to different groups (CC: past COVID
infection, PC: possible infection, N: asymptomatic). The primary goal of the planned study is
to provide a first preliminary evaluation of the tests used in the current context.

Unknown status
History of Covid-19, Seroprevalence

Diagnostic Test: Antibody Test

Presence and Titer of Anti-Sars-CoV-2 Antbodies

Eligibility Criteria

Inclusion Criteria:

- Employees of the health facility described

- voluntary request for testing

Exclusion Criteria:

- None

Eligibility Gender
Eligibility Age
Minimum: N/A ~ Maximum: N/A

University Tuebingen
Tuebingen, BW, Germany

Investigator: Focke Ziemssen
Contact: +49 7071 29 88088



Focke Ziemssen, MD
+49 7071 29 88088

Tarek Bayyoud, MD
+49 7071 29 88088

Institute of Clinical Chemistry and Pathobiochemistry, Department of Internal Medicine
NCT Number
MeSH Terms