Official Title
Identification of Genetic Factors Determining Disease Course and Preparation of Pharmacogenetic Applications in the New Type of Coronavirus Infection, COVID-19
Brief Summary

The study aims to identify environmental factors and genetic (gene mutation and gene expression) changes, which influencing the course of the disease the new type of coronavirus infection COVID-19 in patients nationwide in a multicenter study. At first in the study will be performed 200 patients, selected for a homogeneous groups on the basis of the patient's anamnestic data, genetic testing. Following the interim analysis, based on the results, another 800 people are planned to involve.

Unknown status
Eligibility Criteria

Inclusion Criteria:

- confirmed covid 19 infection

Exclusion Criteria:

- informed refusal

Eligibility Gender
Eligibility Age
Minimum: 18 Years ~ Maximum: N/A

University of Pécs 1st Department of Internal Medicine Intensive Care Unit
Pécs, Hungary

University of Pécs First Department of Internal Medicine
Pécs, Hungary

University of Pécs Infection Department of the Coronavirus Center
Pécs, Hungary

University of Pécs Institute of Laboratory Medicine
Pécs, Hungary

University of Pécs Szentágotahi Research Centre
Pécs, Hungary

University of Pécs Szentágothai Research Centre Genomics and Bioinformatics Core Facility
Pécs, Hungary

University of Szeged Szentágothai Research Centre Virology Research Group
Pécs, Hungary

University of Szeged Department of Anaesthesiology And Inthensive Therapy
Szeged, Hungary

University of Szeged Department of Dermatology and Allergology
Szeged, Hungary

University of Szeged Department of Medical Biology
Szeged, Hungary

University of Szeged Department of Paediatrics
Szeged, Hungary

University of Szeged First Department of Medicine
Szeged, Hungary

University of Szeged Institute of Clinical Microbiology
Szeged, Hungary

University of Szeged Institute of Medical Microbiology and Immunobiology
Szeged, Hungary

Márta Széll, MD, Ph.D., Principal Investigator
University of Szeged, Department of Medical Genetics

Szeged University
NCT Number
MeSH Terms
Coronavirus Infections
Disease Progression